Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Online Bulletin for Health Care Providers

April 21, 2020

Dr. Piotr Oglaza
Medical Officer of Health & CEO
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

Referring Patients for COVID-19 Assessment

Health care providers can refer their patients for a COVID-19 assessment. Please use the Referral for COVID-19 Assessment form to facilitate access for your patients. It can also be downloaded from our website.

There are currently three options for referral in Hastings Prince Edward Counties:

  1. Prince Edward County COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) - FAX to 613-210-1001
  2. Belleville COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) - EMAIL to CAC@qhc.on.ca (for Belleville site only, patients can also self-refer by phoning the CAC hotline directly at 613-961-5544.)
  3. Paramedic COVID-19 Response – EMAIL to HQPS-responseteam@hastingscounty.com or FAX to 613-771-9370.
    • provided by Hastings-Quinte Paramedic Services, available throughout Hastings and Prince Edward Counties
    • Consider utilizing Paramedic COVID-19 Response for:
      • all individuals outside of Belleville and Prince Edward County
      • anyone in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties who has mobility issues or lack of transportation.

Information for Long Term Care Homes and Retirement Home

The Paramedic COVID-19 Response team is available to provide additional support with swabbing of your residents and staff if needed. Contact Paramedics by email or fax as above.


HPEPH has closed our doors to the public; however, we remain dedicated in protecting our community and providing local HCPs and our community with new information as it becomes available. Current information on COVID-19 specifically for health care providers can be found at hpePublicHealth.ca, Ontario Ministry of Health and at publichealthontario.ca.

For more information and for COVID-19 risk assessment, contact our dedicated COVID-19 intake line at 613-966-5500. Phone calls are being answered 7 days a week. Hours Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:30 pm; Saturday, Sunday, & Holidays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

Contact Information: 

To give us your comments: socialmedia@hpeph.ca

To report communicable diseases:613-966-5500 x349

To report AEFI or DOPHS: Online / Fax - 613-966-1813 or CDCFAX1@hpeph.ca

Health Bulletin Editors: Kamran Khani

You have received this email at kkhani@hpeph.ca from Hastings Prince Edward Public Health as a result of a request you have made or due to a service/subscription that you are registered for. While you may discontinue your subscription to this mailing at any time by pressing the unsubscribe button below, please note that this bulletin will be used to provide important updates about infectious and communicable disease.