The teal and purple BC Cancer Logo appears on a white background. To the right, in white text on a teal background text reads "Supportive Care eBulletin"
Click image to view managing stress videos. Image depicts a woman lying on a mat, and another woman demonstrating how to place a bolster.

Virtual Educational & Support Programs

June 2024

Learning & Making Connections

Supportive Cancer Care has different types of group-based programs for people affected by cancer. These groups can help you stay informed and feel connected. Most programs are online, but some programs are in-person. Please follow the registration instructions for each program.

Educational/experiential sessions and regular support groups are run by BC Cancer Counsellors, Social Workers, Art Therapists, and Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellors. Programs provide information, tools and support for self-managing emotional, relational, and practical issues.

People with cancer and their family members can also speak with a Counsellor in-person, virtually over Zoom, or over the phone. Please contact Patient and Family Counselling Services to make an appointment.

View Programs & Calendar

Group Programs for Chinese-Speaking Patients and Families 

華語互助小組 Chinese Support Groups


The Chinese Support Groups are facilitated by professional counsellors. The Groups provide cancer patients and caregivers a safe space to connect, share their experiences and feelings in coping with their cancer. Chinese-speaking cancer patients and their families in BC are welcome.


 報名國語互助小組請點擊此連結 Register for Mandarin support group

報名粵語互助小組請點擊此連結 Register for Cantonese support group

報名在線華語靜觀減壓課程 Online Chinese Mindfulness-based Stress Reducation Course

「靜觀減壓」課程是讓BC省居住的癌症病人和家屬學習活在當下,培養心靜平和的生活態度,面對未來不肯定的日子。課程由前美國麻省大學醫學院 Jon Kabat-Zinn 博士編創,為治療患重病及生活受挫折人士,減輕壓力和心靈痛苦,提昇生活質素。現時世界各地的醫院、大學及社區團體等為不同背景人士提供課程。


Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) is offered to BC residents who have cancer diagnoses. It is about learning to be present while living with uncertainties. It was designed by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, University of Massachusetts Medical School, to help people with serious illnesses or life challenges, alleviate their stress and suffering.

Every year, this program will be offered once in Cantonese, and once in Mandarin. Each program consists of 8 weekly sessions and a retreat. Spots are limited. Please register your interest, and you will be contacted with the confirmed program dates/time and details one month before the program start.

請速報名  Register

Creative & Experiential Groups

Stories That Give Hope

Spirituality as an Inner Resource

Patient Panel

Thursday, June 20th, 2024 2-4pm on Zoom

Join us on Thursday, June 20th as we hear stories from fellow patients on what gives them Hope on their journey.

Please register by June 17:



Relaxation & Music Therapy Group

Online guided imagery and music therapy experience, designed to promote relaxation and nervous system regulation. 

Mondays: 5:30-6:30PM

Wednesday: 10:30-11:30 AM

Friday: 2:30-3:30 PM

Call to Register: 604-877-6000 or 1-800-663-3333 ext 672194

Summer Sketching

During this workshop, participants will be shown a few different ways to explore drawing and keeping an art journal.

Tuesdays, July 16 - August 13, 1:00 - 2:30pm



Young Adults Group

A group for younger adults with cancer, who are about 20 to 40 years old. This group connects members with others who are the same age. We focus on topics specific to young adults with cancer. We do some creative journaling and art exercises together.

Meets second Tuesday of every month, 10:30-12PM on Zoom. Next session is May 14.



Art Therapy workshops (in-person, Vancouver)

These workshops are an ideal way to discover your creativity and connect with others. Materials are provided and no experience is necessary.

Held in-person at BC Cancer - Vancouver. The following workshops are currently scheduled:

Floral Art: Enjoy flowers in a new way in this creative workshop. Tuesday, June 18, 1-3:00pm

Rock Painting: Discover the joy of painting rocks. Wednesday July 24, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Watercolour painting: Learn a few new tips and tricks for watercolour painting. Wednesday, August 14, 10:00am – 12:00pm



Art & Music Studio Group

A time for creativity and self care. We meet once per month over Zoom and participants are welcome to use their art materials of choice.



Nutrition Classes

Virtual Nutrition Class: Eating well on your cancer journey

This class is for people who are interested in learning about preparing and planning a nutritious diet.

This group meets over Zoom. 

The third Wednesdsay of the month in February, April, May, June, September & October. 

The next class is

June 19 from 1:30 - 2:30pm 



Practical Supports

Return to Work Group

For those with a history of cancer. 

Offered once every two months

  • Preparing for your workplace transition
  • Enhancing workplace wellbeing
  • Understanding the return to work process

July 11, 18, 25 and August 1st, 2024


Self-Management Resources

Memory Attention and Adaptation Training Program.

This book has been made to help with treatment-related cognition issues. If you are interested in this book, please contact

Meditation & Relaxation Playlists

BC Cancer has created playlists with audio for meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation. You can access them on your web browser. 

View Playlists


How exercise can boost cancer treatment and recovery

Read about how a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia want to help people living with cancer to incorporate exercise as an important part of their treatment and recovery.  

Article Here


Nutrition during cancer treatment


Looking for help managing a poor appetite or weight loss? Learn simple strategies from a dietitian in this video.




Understanding Spirituality


Spirituality is a core aspect of humanity through which people seek their meaning, purpose, and transcendence (being able to go beyond normal limits or boundaries) 




Silent Enemy Comic Book

Here is a comic book that explains cancer screening and some information about the cancer care journey

CLICK HERE FOR: Silent Enemy Comic Book


Indigenous Cancer Journey Support

There are two booklets that offer information and insights through the voices of Metis and First Nations people who have lived with or are living with cancer, as well as space for your own reflections:

CLICK HERE FOR: First Nations Booklet

CLICK HERE FOR: Metis Booklet

If you have questions about Indigenous specific supports and services, please email

Information about:

CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT: Indigenous Patient Navigators

Tumour-Based Support Groups

Living with Metastatic Cancer

The focus is on living well and sharing your experience with others who understand, thereby breaking down isolation.

Every Friday 10-11:30AM (Zoom)

Pre-registration required

Call to Register: 604-930-4000000 ext. 672194

Head & Neck Cancer Support Group

Are you a patient, or a family member of someone, who is just beginning, going through, or completed treatment for head and neck (oral) cancer?

These monthly virtual sessions provide information, ideas for coping, and time to connect and share experiences with others.


BC Cancer - Victoria (Open to All)

1st Thursday of each month, 10:15-11:45AM 

Call to Register: 250-519-5525 


BC Cancer - Vancouver (Only Vancouver Patients)

Last Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30PM

Call to Register: 604-877-6000 ext. 672194

Brain Tumour Support Group

For people living with a brain tumour and their caregivers. This virtual session is run by a counsellor and nurse practitioner.


Held on the first Wednesday of each month (not statutory holidays) from 9:30-11:00AM. 


Call to Register: 604-877-6000 ext. 672194.

Lung Cancer Support Group

This virtual support group is for people with lung cancer in BC, to connect with one another and have a space to share experiences and information.

4th Monday of every month

10-11:30AM (Zoom)

Call to Register: 604-930-4000

In-Person Groups

Relaxation Group

BC Cancer Kelowna

Do you sometimes feel tense? Do you want to learn ways to calm your mind and relax your body? Join now!

Call or drop-in to Patient & Family Counselling

To register call:

250-712-3963 or 1-888-563-7773 ext 683963

Every Tuesday, 10 - 11:15am 

Okanagan Room, 2nd Floor

Affirmation Workshop

BC Cancer - Surrey

Surrey Patients Only

Create your own powerful affirmations and learn to reframe your negative thoughts and beliefs. Affirmations can help you to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, and boost your self-esteem.

Last Thursday of the month, 2-4PM

Call to Register: 604-930-4000

Community workshops/services

Young Adult Cancer Canda

Supporting young adults living with, through, and beyond cancer.

YACC is here to be the connection to peers, bridge out of isolation, and source of inspiration. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got your back.

Visit Young Adult Cancer Website

The Look Good Feel Better logo appears in purple

Look Good Feel Better Workshops

Virtual workshops for those with cancer learning how to manage the appearance-related impact of cancer and it’s treat­ment. With the pandemic all programs are now delivered virtually.   


Find Workshops & Register

The Canadian Cancer Society Logo is a 6 petaled yellow flower with white centre cyberon a black backgroun

Canadian Cancer Society

Provides information, programs and services to support people dealing with cancer. Services include: places to stay when travelling for treatment, talking to an information specialist, wig and breast prosthesis loan program, connecting with an online cancer community and Travel Treatment Fund.

Find Information & Support

BC Cancer Library

Click image to view library arrivals. Image shows multiple books under the title "New Patient and Public Arrivals"

Patient & Public Arrivals

Explore new book and eBook arrivals for both public and BC Cancer staff and patient borrowing. 

To access eBooks, please contact and we can set you up with an access account

Click Here to See More Arrivals!

Complete our Information Request form to get cancer information that is customized to your needs

Visit BC Cancer Library to see our pathfinders for lists of librarian recommended books, e-books, pamphlets, support services and websites on many types of cancer and support topics.                                                                       

                                                                                                  BC Cancer Library

Thank You to BC Cancer Foundation!

The BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer. Together with their donors, they are changing the outcome for people affected by cancer in B.C. and beyond by connecting personalized care, innovative research and opportunities to give back.

Thank you for their help in making the Vancouver Supportive Care Clinic possible!

Learn More