Communications du secteur culturel | La CMRRA a distribué plus de 57 millions de dollars en redevances aux éditeurs de musique et auteurs-compositeurs indépendants en 2020 L’Agence canadienne des droits de reproduction musicaux (CMRRA) a annoncé aujourd’hui que 57 millions de dollars de redevances ont été distribués aux éditeurs de musique et auteurs-compositeurs indépendants en 2020. Le streaming figurait de manière significative dans ces chiffres, ce qui représente une augmentation de plus de 17% par rapport aux distributions de 2019 pour le streaming d’une année sur l’autre. Lire sur l'Agence canadienne des droits de reproduction musicaux | | Pratiques industrielles et artistiques | The state of new music discovery In recent years, the old model has developed stress cracks. Labels have less faith in radio. And most stations are no longer as adventuresome as they once were, especially at a time when the larger markets are reliant on meters to determine how many are listening. And so, the labels have become more reliant on other methods of discovery. Lire sur Hypebot | | Une coalition de 50 000 créatrices sous-représentées appelle à l’ajout d’un identifiant de genre à toutes les données musicales Collectivement, les 10 groupes de l’Initiative d’identification du genre représentent 50 000 femmes créatrices.. Étant donné qu’une bonne analyse des données commence par la collecte de données, la Gender Identification Initiative commence par un appel aux deux plus grands référentiels de données musicales – The MLC et DDEX – pour inclure l’identification du genre de tous les créateurs impliqués dans un single ou un album. Lire sur Printzblog | | À lire aussi - Les chartes et les principes pour orienter la gouvernance des données dans les arts de la scène via Un avenir numérique lié
- Women In CTRL puts the spotlight back on diversity at the top of the UK music industry’s trade organisations via Complete Music Update
- Despite diversity in the charts, US music biz still run by white males via The Music Network
- Exploring the Evolution of the Music Publishing Landscape via Data Art
- Sony now ignoring any unrecouped balances for heritage songwriters via Hypebot
- The non-static tipping point: how culture’s going non-linear and generative via Music X
- Spotify and music listening 10 years from now via Music Industry Blog
- In the age of streaming, is radio still worth it? via Music Think Tank
- Fan retargeting explained and how Bandsintown made it easier to sell more tickets via Hypebot
| Consommation médiatique et de biens culturels | What Will Happen to My Music Library When Spotify Dies? Tapes were displaced in the 1990s by CDs, which were displaced in the 2000s by mp3s, which were displaced in the 2010s by streaming. Now, instead of buying music, people rent it. Just as remarkable as this rate of change is how useless previous iterations of my music library are today—my first iPod is unresponsive, and I have no idea where my CDs are. Losing some of that music has felt like severing lines of communication with versions of my former self, in the sense that hearing even a snippet of an old song can conjure up a first kiss, a first drive, or less articulable memories of inner life. Lire dans The Atlantic | | France Gave Teenagers $350 for Culture. They’re Buying Comic Books. Young people can buy books, tickets and classes via a government smartphone app. But rather than discovering highbrow arts, many are choosing mass media they already love. Lire sur The New York Times | | Veille internationale sur la culture et le commerce numérique Le rapport de juillet se concentre sur la gouvernance de la culture et les enjeux de la réglementation des plateformes en ligne. D’abord, il traite des discussions en cours au Canada sur la législation en matière de radiodiffusion; ensuite, il s’agit d’analyser la réforme des médias audiovisuels en Australie et les différents points de vue exprimés par les acteurs concernés. Lire le rapport du CEIM, du GRIC et de la FICDC (document PDF) | | What MPs’ plans for music streaming mean for artists and listeners Another committee proposal – to tighten regulations on copyright protection – has the potential to generate additional money for all sectors. Focusing on platforms such as YouTube, which host user-uploaded content, the committee agrees that streaming services should be compelled to obtain licenses for the music they allow on their platform. Lire sur The Conversation | | Youtube Is Now Generating Over $3m An Hour from Ads – More Than $75m Per Day YouTube rode out 2020 having generated some $19.77 billion from ads in the year – actually up 30.5% on the equivalent annual figure from 2019. In 2021, however, YouTube is hitting new heights that even its most fervent commercial believers may not have dreamed of. Lire sur Music Business Worldwide | | Pourquoi Universal Music vend-il son catalogue aux réseaux sociaux? Universal Music vient de signer un accord avec Lomotif, le nouveau TikTok, pour donner accès à son catalogue musical. Cet accord de licence fait écho à d’autres accords du même type entre le label et des réseaux sociaux au cours des derniers mois. Lire sur L'Echo et The Music Network | | À lire aussi - Spotify Hits 165M Paying Subs, Misses Total User Target, Ad Revenue Jumps via The Hollywod Reporter
- Snapchat reaches 293 million users, revenue up 116% in Q2 via The Music Network
- Apple Revenue Booms 36% in June Quarter as iPhone Sales Surge, Services Hit Record $17.5 Billion via Variety
| ‘Alexa, Play Free Bird!’ – Music, radio, and the rise of smart speakers iHeart Media beta-launched an all-request feature on Amazon Alexa devices in four of their markets. The concept is that you can now use Alexa’s voice AI to request a song or make an old school dedication. Alexa forwards them to participating stations where programmers/personalities take it from there. Lire sur Hypebot | | Spotify adds dedicated ‘What’s New’ feed for tracking new music and podcast releases Spotify for iOS now offers a “What’s New” feed that will immediately gather “all the new releases from the artists and shows you follow on Spotify.” Spotify says that over 50,000 hours of content are added to Spotify on a daily basis, so this “What’s New” feed is designed to make it easier to keep track of the latest additions. You can access it by tapping the new bell icon in the upper-right corner of the Home tab in the iOS and Android apps. Lire sur 9 to 5 Mac | | À lire aussi - Instagram expands Reels to 60 seconds via Hypebot
- Having Paid Out $150m To Creators, Beatstars Launches Sony Music Publishing-Backed Publishing Service via Music Business Worldwide
- TikTok Expands Livestreaming Platform with Events, Q&As, & More via Digital Music News
| United States Sells Unique Wu-Tang Clan Album Forfeited by Convicted Hedge Fund Manager Martin Shkreli Shkreli was ordered to forfeit the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album, which he purchased for $2 million at an auction in 2015. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, it includes a hand-carved nickel-silver box as well as a leather-bound manuscript containing lyrics and a certificate of authenticity. Lire le communiqué du Département de la justice et l'article de la ABC | | | | | |