
Fall 2024 - Issue #4
Graduate Studies and double degree

GO-Poly is a welcome and integration program created specifically for you. Follow us for an optimal start in your new university environment!


You will have to confirm your registration for the 2024 Fall semester in your Student File (dossier étudiant) from August 6 to September 10.

You'll then need to make your course selection in your Student file, in accordance with your study plan. The period for choosing or modifying your courses is from August 7 to September 10.

Any questions?



All students have an email account with the following format: firstname.lastname@polymtl.ca. This address will only be activated within 48 hours of registering for your first trimester of studies at Polytechnique. Access your account on IMP/Horde. You can also redirect your email address to a different email account of your choice via your Student file online.

For more information, visit the IT Department website.


As part of the GO-Poly program, a group of experienced students has prepared a series of tutorials to help you understand the essential tools you will use throughout your studies at Polytechnique Montréal.

You can also visit the IT tools section of our website.


The Polytechnique Graduate Student Association (AÉCSP) represents students enrolled in the Specialized Graduate Diplomas (DESS), double degree, master's and doctorate programs at Polytechnique. It will support you throughout your studies with its four missions: gather, represent, give back and carry out.

Learn more


Various Polytechnique Montréal student committees have prepared a wide range of fun integration activities for you.

It's the perfect opportunity to meet other students and forge bonds that will last throughout your studies!

Discover the activities



Classes begin on August 26, and the deadline for arriving at Polytechnique Montréal and providing your immigration documents to the Registrar's Office is September 10, 2024.

If you don't have the necessary authorizations to study in Canada, don't fly! You could be turned away at the border, and the Polytechnique Registrar's Office will not be able to maintain your registration for the fall term without your mandatory residence permits.

If you think you won’t be able to arrive on time, please carefully read the “Deferring” section (Master’s, DESS, Doctorate/Double Degree) of our GO-Poly website. 

⇒ At any time, visit our website dedicated to immigration procedures and entry to Canada

⇒ Sign up for the free Accueil Plus service to simplify your arrival at Montreal airport.


Events for new international students

Networking evening for international students

Come and meet other new Polytechnique students from around the world during this evening of fun and entertainment!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Lorne-M.-Trottier Atrium, 3rd floor of the Lassonde buildings


Panel discussion: adapting to student life in Québec

Come and hear inspiring testimonials from Polytechnique international students and get advice on how to adapt smoothly to your new life, academically, culturally and socially. 
A light lunch will be provided. Places are limited. 

Thursday, September 5, 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Galerie Rolland - B-600.16 (6th floor of the main building)


⇒ Next GO-Poly newsletter: week of August 12, 2024

⇒ See our previous newsletters

Any questions?