Meeting of June 20, 2024

Board Meetings are held in the TNRD Civic Building Boardroom in Kamloops, B.C., unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public to attend in person or online. Meetings are live-streamed and can be re-watched on the TNRD YouTube channel.


Vavenby Fire Protection Service Area Amendment

In preparation for the Birch Island Fire Protection Referendum on September 14, 2024, the Board approved third reading of Vavenby Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw 2857, and established the referendum question.

The Bylaw Amendment will be held at third reading and would be adopted by the Board if the referendum passes.

Staff will continue to engage with Birch Island residents to provide information and resources about the referendum and the proposed fire protection boundary expansion in accordance with statutory public notice requirements.

Read Report



Spring 2024 Search and Rescue Grant Applications

The Board approved the following Spring 2024 grant funding requests for annual operations, equipment, and training for regional Search and Rescue teams:

  • $46,316.69: Wells Gray SAR
  • $39,683.83: Kamloops SAR
  • $10,000.00: Logan Lake SAR
  • $10,000.00: Nicola Valley SAR
  • $3,325.00: South Cariboo SAR

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Monte Creek Fire Department Engine Purchase

The Board approved a sole source purchase of a used fire engine for the Monte Creek Fire Department, for a total expenditure of $319,800. The fire engine will appropriately serve the Monte Creek Fire Protection Service Area and will be compatible with Pritchard Fire Department equipment for mutual aid responses.

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Blackpool Fire Rescue Truck Purchase

The Board approved the purchase of a Command Truck for Blackpool Fire Rescue, using unallocated funding within the 2024 budget which resulted from the purchase of a Wildland Truck being under budget.

Read Report



Fire Dispatch Services

The Board approved a fire dispatch service agreement with the City of Kamloops, with a total value of $348,000 in 2024. As part of this agreement, calls about fires within TNRD boundaries are routed by E-Comm 9-1-1 to Kamloops Fire Dispatch, which also provides technical support via telecommunications infrastructure.

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Proposed Cache Creek Solid Waste Facility

The Board directed staff not to proceed with the amendment process for the proposed Timicw Good Earth Recycling Facility. The landfill, recycling, and composting project was proposed in the Village of Cache Creek municipal boundaries, located near Airport Road west of the Trans-Canada Highway.

As part of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP), proposed new landfill sites in the TNRD require an amendment to the Plan, which involves a process with four major steps. Step 1 is Screening, and the Board opted to not proceed past this phase. The Board heard that there is currently no need for additional landfill capacity within the TNRD at this time.

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Louis Creek Bulk Water Station Grant Application

The Board approved that, in partnership with the District of Barriere, the TNRD apply for a provincial grant of up to $10,000 for design costs of a bulk water fill station at the Louis Creek Eco-Depot. The Board also committed to using reserve and/ or operating funds for its share of project costs related to the Preliminary Design Plan.

The Louis Creek Eco-Depot has been identified as an appropriate location for a bulk water station because the District of Barriere’s water reservoir is on the property line, and the bulk water station could easily be constructed and accessed from this site. There is currently no public bulk water fill station between Kamloops and Clearwater.

Read Report



Annual Grant Reporting

The Board received a staff report on grant funding received by the TNRD in 2023. Last year, the TNRD received $11,325,637 in grant funding; this total was substantially higher than in 2022, largely due to several “one-time” grant monies received, including the $5.4 million Growing Communities Fund and $1.2 million Library Enhancement Grant.

Read Report



2023 Statement of Financial Information

The Board approved the 2023 Statement of Financial Information and Board Remuneration reports, as required by legislation to be completed before June 30 of each year. These reports can be viewed in-person at the TNRD Civic Building or online at:

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Retail Cannabis Store Proposed in Pinantan Lake

The Board approved first and second reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2847, affecting property at 2532 and 2536 Harper Ranch – Pinantan Road located in Pinantan Lake, in Electoral Area “P” (Rivers and the Peaks).

The zoning amendment proposes to enable site-specific zoning for a retail cannabis store within the existing Pinantan Lake General Store building. The proposed store would have a separate entrance and be separate and distinct from the main retail space.

The proposed bylaw amendment will be taken to a Public Hearing during a regular Board Meeting.

Read Report



Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2841 (Secondary Suites)

The Board adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2841. The bylaw amendment includes several updates to Zoning Bylaw 2400 which regulate principal residential housing use, as required by all local governments in B.C. to align with recent Province of BC housing regulations for small-scale, multi-unit housing.

Updates are minimal for the TNRD, as many provincially-mandated residential density requirements are not applicable to rural areas. Most notably, Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2841 enables secondary suites in all single-family residential zones. Secondary suites have been allowed in most residential zones of the TNRD for many years, and this bylaw amendment affects approximately 155 existing properties.

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ALC Application 232 (Kelly Lake)

The Board resolved to send a recommendation of approval for Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Application 232, affecting property on Pavilion – Clinton Road located near Kelly Lake, in Electoral Area “E” (Bonaparte Plateau). ALC Application 232 proposes to allow heavy equipment service and storage on a portion of the property.

In order for a development application within the Agricultural Land Reserve in a TNRD Electoral Area to be considered by the ALC, the Board must formally submit the application. If the ALC approves this application, the owner will be required to apply for either a Temporary Use Permit or Zoning Amendment through the TNRD.

Read Report



Next TNRD Board Meeting:

July 18, 2024, 1:30 pm

TNRD Civic Building Boardroom (4th Floor)

465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2A9


Upcoming Meetings:

  • Committee of the Whole: July 18, 2024: 9:00 am
  • Regular Board Meeting: July 18, 2024: 1:30 pm
  • * Regular Board Meeting: August 15, 2024: 10:00 am

* = Annual Out of Town Board Meeting: Best Western Plus Hotel (Conference Room): 3969 Crawford Avenue, Merritt, B.C., V1K 1C4


Full Board Meeting Schedule

Board and Committee Meeting Minutes

To view archives of TNRD Board Meeting highlights, click here.