Help us name our new school in the South Surrey area!  

As we plan for the development of a new school near 20 Ave. & 174 St. in South Surrey, we need your help to choose a name that reflects our local identity, values & aspirations. Deadline is May 9!

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Applications still being accepted for new land-based program at Hall's Prairie site

Families interested in the district’s new full-time land-based learning program, set to start this September, are encouraged to apply now as there are limited spaces still available.

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Clayton Heights, Princess Margaret students named 2024 Loran scholars

In a first for Surrey Schools, not one but two Grade 12 students have been selected as recipients of this year’s $100K Loran Scholars scholarship, beating out more than 5,000 applicants nationwide!

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Find kids' activities, volunteer opportunities & family resources in the May Communit-E Bulletin!

Neighbourhood-specific bulletins include information about extracurricular sports, arts, classes, and resources of interest to children, youth and families in Surrey and White Rock. 

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Preparing for the upcoming school year's budget: A message from Supt. Mark Pearmain 

An update on our district’s budget planning process in light of a uniquely challenging set of circumstances, including student enrolment growth, teacher shortage and rising costs.

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Pair of Surrey students earn spot at national science fair in Ottawa

Frank Hurt Secondary’s Sreya Kurup and Surrey Academy of Innovative Learning’s Visisht Kadali won gold medals at the South Fraser Regional Science Fair to secure a spot at nationals.

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Johnston Heights Secondary Art fair
May 10-11 raising money for food program

A Vancouver philanthropist is selling pieces of his art collection, including nature scenes, abstract pieces, cultural prints & artwork on canvas, with proceeds benefiting meal programs.

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Keep up with everything happening in the Surrey School District, including important daysspecial celebrations, student achievements, successful graduates, provincial legislation, school fundraising and more! Follow us on our social media channels as well (links below).

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