IRSST - Bulletin de veille
IRSST - Bulletin de veille

1er octobre 2024

Maladies virales transmissibles par aérosols


Évaluation de l'exposition

Cassini, A., Yin, M., Simniceanu, A., Gon, G., Cowling, B. J., Allegranzi, B., . . . Sandejas, J. C. M. (2024). Infection prevention and control risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in health workers: A global, multicentre case-control study. Journal of Hospital Infection.

Fralick, M., Moggridge, J. A., Wiebe, M., Castellani, L., McGeer, A., Feenstra, B., . . . Nott, C. (2024). SARS-CoV-2 burden on the floor was associated with COVID-19 cases and outbreaks in two acute care hospitals: a prospective cohort study. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology.

Koscak, V., Stojic, J., Lackovic, M. et Puljak, L. (2024). Frequency of exposure incidents in hospital workers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the hospital status and the use of personal protective equipment: a descriptive study with a historical comparison group. BMC Infectious Diseases, 24(1), article 995.

Rhodes, S., Beale, S., Daniels, S., Gittins, M., Mueller, W., McElvenny, D. et van Tongeren, M. (2024). Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 in Europe: A review. European Respiratory Review, 33(173), article 240044.

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Prévention de la contagion

Gaudouen, H., Tattevin, P., Thibault, V., Ménard, G., Paris, C. et Saade, A. (2024). Determinants of influenza and COVID vaccine uptake in healthcare workers: A cross-sectional survey during the post-pandemic era in a network of academic hospitals in France. Vaccine, 42(26), article 126272.

Hopwood, P., MacEachen, E., Coté, D., Meyer, S. B., Majowicz, S., Hyun, A.-T., . . . Ilic, A. (2024). Occupational pressures of frontline workers enforcing COVID-19 pandemic measures in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Work.

Safety, C. C. o. O. H. a. (2024). Protecting Workers from Bird Flu Health and Safety To Go!

Than, T. M., Khaing, M., Hamajima, N., Saw, Y. M., Thaung, Y., Aung, T., . . . Yamamoto, E. (2024). Infection prevention and control status at public hospitals and factors associated with COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers in Myanmar: A cross-sectional study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 24(1).

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Surveillance des infections

Maltezou, H. C., Sourri, F., Lemonakis, N., Karapanou, A., Giannouchos, T. V., Gamaletsou, M. N., . . . Sipsas, N. V. (2024). Evaluation of the influenza-like illness case definition and the acute respiratory infection case definition in the diagnosis of influenza and COVID-19 in healthcare personnel. Infection, Disease & Health.

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L'information à votre portée

Le Centre de documentation de l’IRSST effectue une veille systématique sur les maladies virales transmissibles par aérosols en milieu de travail. Le bulletin recense les publications scientifiques en lien avec la transmission par aérosols, les mesure de prévention et de protection ainsi que les outils de surveillance des infections en milieu de travail.

Membres de la cellule de veille :

  • Ali Bahloul, chercheur
  • Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique
  • Samuel Hébert, technicien en documentation
  • Isabelle Maguire, conseillère en mobilisation des connaissances
  • Geneviève Marchand, chercheuse


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Le Bulletin de veille est une production du Centre de documentation de l'IRSST

Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique

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