Welcome to the participation edition of Myles Ahead's curated resources for educators.

Participation is the best route to learning - but how can you get your students to participate? The three resources we have curated for you have some techniques for doing just that.


  1. In this resource, learn 8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more. When you can convey your message more effectively and therefore speak less, it leaves more space for your students to speak.
  2. When the reason for nto participating is more than simply not feeling like speaking, this article, Encouraging Students to Participate: How to Help Shy Students Speak Up, might help with tailored suggestions to help shy students.
  3. Finally, if you can get them to focus, you are more likely to get them to speak. The 8 Minutes That Matter Most explains how the 8 minutes at the beginning and the ending of every lesson are the key times to capture your students' attention.

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