In this Newsletter...  

  • President's Message
  • November Meeting
  • Our December Celebration
  • Advocacy
  • Interest Groups
  • GWI News
  • Extra Extra - International Women's Day
  • Contact Information

      President's Message

In our final newsletter for 2024, I want to thank everyone who has worked on and for our various committees, interest and advocacy groups this year.

All of the program planning, revamped communications, new and returning interest groups, and the work of our advocacy committees has taken so much time and dedication from so many people. All of it has contributed to our continuing growth and vitality as a club. And all of that work is very much appreciated. The holiday season is a time for gratitude, and I am very grateful to be part of CFUW Stratford and this wonderful group of women. Thank you!

I’m hoping to see everyone at our Holiday Brunch on Saturday. But if not, have a lovely holiday season and I will see you at our next meeting in 2025!


Speaker Program 2024 - 2025

Past, Present, Furure - Living Your Best Life

Our November Meeting 

Is a new vision for long-term care in Ontario possible?

Ontario Association of Residents' Councils

There was a great turnout to hear Dee Tripp, Executive Director of the Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils (OARC), share insights into the challenges facing long-term care (LTC), what the culture is and could be, and paving the path towards positive change so that homes are excellent places to live and work.

Our December Celebration!

Saturday, December 14th, 10am - 1pm

Stratford Golf and Country Club

Buffet Lunch   

📚Don't forget our Book table
Bring books you’d like to pass on for others to enjoy
Buy books - pay-what-you-wish (proceeds to the
Scholarship Fund)

👩‍👧‍👦The Emily Murphy Centre would really appreciate any gift certificates you might bring for teenagers (e.g. Amazon, Walmart, Giant Tiger, Game Stop or others). Food items will still also be gratefully received.



To Remember Is To Work For Change
Stratford City Hall, Fri. Dec 6th, at 8:15 a

CFUW members braved the cold and snow Friday morning to gather at Stratford City Hall to commemorate the 35th anniversary of École Polytechnique massacre, and the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Cynthia Hastings, advocacy chair, said, “We are here today to remember the 14 young women who were murdered 35 years ago by a man who claimed he was fighting feminism.” Pat DeSanti read out the names of each woman as their images were brought forward.

The flag was lowered by our mayor, Martin Ritsma who addressed the crowd with two reasons for this memorial: “One is to mourn and grieve with the families and friends that lost such beautiful lives, but also the importance of us not losing sight of the work that needs to continue to be done”. MP John Nater also spoke and thanked CFUW.

We have been extremely fortunate in the amount of coverage our event received this year. Front page and articles in The Beacn Herald, The Stratford Times and a copy of our news article linked in CFUW National. For additional coverage see the Beacon Herald

Climate Change Action Committee

We had a wonderful field trip to Organic Oasis on the Amulree Road, where it is possible to have organic produce from their back room placed directly into your shopping bag. WOW! No plastic!  Our tour of the greenhouses and the pastures was delightful :) 

We will soon have a data bank of stores in the vicinity where it is possible to purchase without plastic, without palm oil, locally, and organically, available to our membership.

After Christmas, we will again be contacting the schools re: Idling signs, and will also be mounting campaigns to encourage our municipality to place more signs by schools.  We will welcome assistance from the membership to share letter-writing with us! Together we are strong. 


Interest Groups

Bridge at the Stratford Country Club

On the first Thursday of every month, the Bridge Group meets for lunch at noon, followed by bridge around 1pm. Here they are at the Stratford Golf and Country Club on Deember 5th. Grand Slam!

Cinema Club


Next on the Bill at The Little Prince, the World's Smallest Cinema:

"Meet Me In St. Louis" on Dec 17 at 4:00pm - Only $12.00 

Call or email Leora Rissin if you are interested in attending. 

Indigenous Learning Group

On Thursday, November 21st, eight CFUW members carpooled to the Six Nations of the Grand River, outside of Brantford, to visit the Woodland Cultural Centre.
There, we were treated to a wealth of history, art and culture of the Indigenous peoples of the Great Lakes region. 

Highlights included: 
-Models of early longhouse villages
-How the Indigenous peoples helped early explorers and settlers survive a harsh climate
-Examples of wampum belts, used to establish treaties
-How Indigenous people supported Canada in the world wars
-Indigenous peoples’ involvement in cinema and music, including Robbie Robertson of The Band
-Skateboard art, painted by Indigenous youth

The outing was a huge success! For a posible repeat or to join this goup,  please contact Barbara Collier or any member of the Indigenous Learning Group.


Don't be shy - Check out our website for other great interest groups!

Interest Groups


Graduate Women International



As indicated by our ongoing Facebook and newsletter posts celebrating other cultures, many of our members do not celebrate Christmas. But as a way of introducing the global range of our membership, have you ever wondered what women in the various GWI (Graduate Women International) network will be eating on the 25th of December?

Not surprisingly, turkey is featured on many Latin American tables. The turkey, that is central to our celebrations, originated from a wild turkey prevalent in Mexico before non-Indigenous folks arrived. However, members of Federacion Mexicana de Universitarias (FEUM) will probably serve their main dish with “mole”, a chilli-chocolate sauce (both ingredients also originating from South America).

In Paraguay, members of the Paraguay Federation of University Women (PFUW) pair their turkey with sopa Paraguaya, a salty corn and cheese soufflé. As well, there will be an abundance of fruit such as oranges, mangos and grapes.

English members of the British Federation of University Women, BFUW, also feature turkey. Over the last 400+ years, it has almost replaced the traditional goose. Invariably though, it will be accompanied by Brussel sprouts and parsnips, followed with plum pudding and mince tarts for dessert.

Turkey is a staple of Christmas dinner in many parts of French-speaking Switzerland.

Members of Association Suisse des Femmes Diplômées des Universités (ASFDU) usually serve it with chicorée Neuchâteloise or endives baked in cream.

In contrast, traditional Christmas meals of Swiss-German members, Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen (SVA), include a meat fondue, or a Filet im Teig, pork fillet covered in sausage meat  and wrapped in puff pastry.

The Lithuanian University Women’s Association, LUWA festive dinner table is quite different. Featured are herring, smoked eel, potato salad and Kūčiukai: small, hard, poppy seed pastries made from leavened dough.

Netherlands Association of University Women, NAUW, dine on a cheese fondue or Rijsttafel, an Indonesian-inspired buffet.

Suckling pig or seafood are the main course choices for the Spanish Federation of University WomenSFUW. The dessert table is not complete however, without marzipan. So important is the latter that there is a Marzipan Museum in Toledo.

The Christmas meal of the Ghana Association of University Women, GAUW, in West Africa includes goat or lamb accompanied with Fufu, a yam paste made from green plantain and cassava.

In Central Africa, a favorite meal of Association Congolaise des Femmes Diplômées des Universités (ACOFDU) is a soft paste made from cassava leaves and roots, combined with rice, chicken, or salted fish. 

The Japanese Association of University Women, JAUW, feast on chicken dishes and take-out North American fried chicken is considered to be quite a delicacy.

Finally, we have reached Graduate Women New Zealand (GWNZ). On a beautiful, warm December 25th day, they will be dining on glazed ham with orange slices and cloves, or maybe fresh New Zealand lamb.

Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noël, Frohe Weihnachten,  Linksmų Kalėdų, Vrolijk Kerstfeest, Afishapa, Merii Kurisumasu!


Extra! Extra!

International Women's Day 

Save the date - Saturday March 8, 2025

To help with this celebration

1. If you have a special connection to a business in the Stratford area, please let Cambria or Wendy know so that we can get a sponsorship package for you. It's a great opportunity for community exposure at two very different events. 

2. In the "many hands make light work" category, we have roles to fill:

Volunteer Coordinator: keep track of who is needed where on March 8 and help find people to fill those roles (mostly greeters) 

Hospitality Coordinator: make sure our guests are taken care of -  the speakers (am), and the artists (pm), the attendees at both events

Childcare: investigate possibilities through the YMCA and the Library

Instagram and Facebooks:  regular posts leading up to the event

Funds raised will support CFUW's scholarships and the Emily Murphy Centre.


Contact Information

General inquiries     

For inquiries to our treasurer or email transfer: 

For donations to the scholarship fund:

Visit us on Facebook - CFUW Stratford: Cfuw Stratford

Newsletter submissions -

Newsletters you can subscribe to:

CFUW National,

Ontario Council