The contents rather than the container!



Everywhere in the media we see that less is written. Always in love with paper, the smell of a freshly printed magazine or an old book found in the library gives me great joy. Hold them in my hands, turn the pages at the pace that suits me, too. Maybe you feel that joy too and see the transformation to digital with an evil eye. I understand. But no matter what you want, each era brings changes. Some are more prominent than others, you may tell me, and you would be right. However, it must be admitted that in publishing, the digital world is becoming a must. We have seen it coming, and whether we like it or not, we have little choice but to open ourselves up to this reality.

It is a fact that most publishers and their clients have struggled in recent years to adapt to this mode of communication, which is in the process of kicking the traditions of the written media community. And yet, it will have to be good. After several months of reflection, the Cycle Canada team has chosen to follow suit. And yes, we turn the page—and no pun intended!

I would like to share with you some of the arguments that have convinced us . . .

The very first is unquestionably that it is an ecoresponsible choice. Paper requires a lot of energy, trees, water, polluting chemicals and transportation. Reducing its use improves the quality of the environment and reduces the cutting of mature trees, as well as the waste and pollution of water. For us, it’s a decision that respects the environmental values we believe in and want to encourage.

In addition, paper is expensive for publishers. It uses up alone most of the resources. And these, with the migration of advertising customers to digital, have forced us to reconsider the way we produce material if we want to continue to offer readers interesting and relevant content.

With paper or not, the essential remains the content, it must be said. It was clear to us during our review that we wanted to continue to offer you quality and diverse content that meets your needs and tastes, regardless of the container!

Several benefits will come from this transformation: lower subscription prices, faster and more secure reception as they are not subject to printing or delivery problems, better photo quality, integrated clickable videos, greater accessibility to your magazine and interactivity, just to name a few.

From now on, you will receive by email a code giving you immediate access to your magazine, or you can download it and use it at the time of your choice... whatever your device is (tablet, smartphone, computer) or where you find us. As simple as that!

Change can be destabilizing, I agree. It takes us out of our habits, our comfort zone. However, it is stimulating and adds a little spice to our daily lives.

Cycle Canada is transforming and improving, and it is with you, faithful readers, that we wish to continue this great adventure. Thank you for your support!

For any questions, suggestions and comments, do not hesitate to contact our customer service representative, Natalie Chagnon, who will be happy to help you ( or at 1 855 965-9494, extension 200).

Thank you for your support and have a good season!!!

Jean Paré, Editor