Annonces importantes

La rentrée culturelle 2021 : les Québécois invités à renouer avec les arts de la scène

Le Groupe de travail sur la fréquentation des arts de la scène (GTFAS) en partenariat avec le gouvernement du Québec est heureux de dévoiler les premiers éléments d’une importante stratégie de promotion invitant le public québécois à renouer avec les arts de la scène. Sous le thème « Laissez-nous vous éblouir », cette initiative offre une vitrine promotionnelle aux disciplines des arts vivants que sont le théâtre, l’humour, la musique, le cirque, la danse et les spectacles jeunesse. Elle se déploiera tout au long de la rentrée culturelle 2021.

Lire le communiqué sur le site de l'ADISQ

Communications du secteur culturel

Diversité artistique Montréal – Mot de la direction

On le sait, les derniers 18 mois n’ont pas été de tout repos, sans même parler du mot qui commence par P et finit par -andémie. Cette dernière a été la toile de fond de plusieurs événements souvent tragiques, parfois inspirants, qui nous ont tous poussé à revisiter notre lien avec les autres. Cela nous a aussi poussé à nous positionner plus fermement sur le type de société que nous nous devons de bâtir aujourd’hui afin que tous⋅tes se sentent accepté⋅e⋅s pleinement.

Lire la suite sur le site de Diversité artistique Montréal

Pratiques industrielles et artistiques

Music’s Next Big Challenge: Licensing for The New Wave Of Social Platforms

Licensing music has never been easy and it was never meant to be. The system was always designed to work for the rights holders and unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) things were only made more complicated from there. Even from the basics of having to track down who owns both the master and the publishing to your chosen track can be a challenging task.

Lire sur Synchtank

Make Music Equal is Chartmetric’s data-driven initiative to advance gender equity in the music industry

Our aim with Make Music Equal is to do just that: create transparency around structural inequities across all music business sectors and social media platforms in order to gauge the severity of the inequities that exist in the music industry and determine where energy and resources must be focused to rectify those inequities.

Lire sur Hypebot

À lire aussi

  • Revealed: The cold, hard data on just how much the arts has suffered in lockdown & the jobs that have been lost via The Music Network
  • First Official Charts Launched in South Africa Based on Streaming Data via Music Business Worldwide
  • A better way to value streams on Spotify [Chris Castle] via Hypebot
  • CMU publishes new guide on performer payments from streaming via Complete Music Update
  • Warner Music Has Changed Leaders in No Less Than 10 Key International Markets Since Its IPO. Why? via Music Business Worldwide

Consommation médiatique et de biens culturels

'We're seeing the change to a consumption model': How streaming has transformed the albums chart

It’s a brave new world for the music industry in 2021 with the albums chart now a competition between not just artists but formats - physical and streaming.

Lire sur Music Week

AM/FM listening via streaming reaches new high (Edison Research)

AM/FM radio has reached a new high — of listening off-radio. That is to say, listening via streaming is now 12% of American radio listening (13 years and older).
That carve-out is the highest ever established in the ongoing Share of Ear study by Edison Research, which measures time spent with every kind of audio.

Lire sur Radio & Internet News

À lire aussi

  • Ryan Tedder: Classic songs are strangling new music via la BBC

Politiques publiques

La taxe GAFA a rapporté 375 millions d’euros à la France en 2020

La direction générale des finances publiques a publié le 31 août son rapport d’activité concernant l’année 2020. Il est possible d’y lire que la « Taxe sur les services numériques », nom officiel de la taxe GAFA, a rapporté 375 millions d’euros à l’État français en 2020. Lors de sa première année d’application, elle a rapporté 277 millions d’euros, soit 35% de moins qu’en 2020.

La taxe est appelée à disparaitre lorsqu’un impôt mondial sera mis en oeuvre.

Lire sur le Siècle digital


Apple Buys, Shuts Down Primephonic Classical Music Streaming Service

Mega tech corporation buys, shuts down, and swallows the intellectual property of tiny tech company. It's a story we see over and over. This time, trillion-dollar corporation Apple acquires Primephonic, a pioneer in serving classical music listeners as a niche streaming music service.

Lire sur PC Mag Australia

How Tencent Music's Problems Ripple Through the Business Worldwide

When Chinese antitrust regulators sneeze, the music business catches a cold.
Beijing has been cracking down on technology companies, and on July 24, the government gave Tencent Music, the country's largest audio-streaming company, 30 days to end the exclusive licensing deals that allow it to offer songs that competitors can't.

Lire sur Billboard

À lire aussi

  • YouTube Music Passes 50 Million Subscribers — Up 20 Million in Less Than a Year via Variety
  • Additional $1.1 billion deal means Bill Ackman-led entities will control 10% of Universal Music after all via Complete Music Update

Actualités techno

What technology comes after music streaming?

What we have now was science fiction 20 years ago. In fact, we now take for granted that we can listen to any music created by humanity — some 75 million songs or so and counting — anytime we want, wherever we happen to be, on whatever device we happen to have at that moment. We’ve finally reached the pinnacle of music consumption.
Or have we? What could possibly come after streaming?

Lire sur Global News

Scoop: Amazon quietly building live audio business

Amazon is investing heavily in a new live audio feature that's similar to other live audio offerings like Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and Spotify's new live audio platform, sources tell Axios.
Why it matters: As with Amazon's efforts in podcasting and music subscriptions, the company sees live audio as a way to bolster the types of content it can offer through its voice assistant, Alexa, and its smart speaker products.

Lire sur Axios

À lire aussi

  • Spotify officially launches Blend, allowing friends to match their musical tastes and make playlists together via Tech Crunch
  • What is Audius? The Decentralized Music Sharing and Streaming Service via Decrypt


Could Music Be A Game-Changer for The Future Of Digital Health?

The marriage of music and technology will take us beyond entertainment to boldly redefine the future of music as medicine. Music will become a game-changer for products and programs looking to win in the highly competitive digital health marketplace. Scientifically validated and emotionally engaging therapeutics using music and sound for the user’s wellbeing will be a new standard, available to anyone, anytime.

Lire sur Forbes