Wrap-Up: London Location

Introduction to Lok Hup Ba Fa

The next Introduction to Lok Hup Ba Fa will be held via Zoom in January 2023.  Registration information to be available in December.

This fall London will be sponsoring an Introduction to Sword session via Zoom.  Start date will be September 22nd.  Registration information to be announced soon.


The following are the references mentioned in the last class:

  1. A Study of Liuhebafa Boxing by Chen Yi-ren, Hong Kong, Sept 1969, Translated by Paul Brennan, May 2021, 
  2. The Chinese Five Word Song by John Chung Li & Li Tung Fung, Edited by Mark McGee, Hwa-Yu T'ai-Chi Health and Well-Being Grace Martial Arts Fellowship, 2004
    • Student of Liang Tzu-pang
  3. Liuhebafa Five Character Secrets by Paul Dillon, YMAA Publication Centre, Boston, 2003
  4. Hwa Yu T'ai Ch'uan: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Five-Word Song by Glenn Newth, Blue Snake Books, 2006
  5. The Complete Book of YiQuan by C.S. Tang, Singing Dragon, London, 2015
    • Provides a history of Liang Tzu-pang
    • Elements in Mr. Moy's Lok Hup and Tai Chi - Three Treasures of Southern Yi Quan
  6. Lok Hup Ba Fa - The six harmonies and eight methods, Prepared by Eva Wong, Gei Pang Lok Hup Academy

Lok Hup Ba Fa Information Sheet

Click to Download the Lok Hup Ba Fa Background Information Sheet V6

Click to Download the Lok Hup Ba Fa Moves of the Set

NOTE: The move list for Lok Hup is currently under review and may change.


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