VOLUME 14 No. 9 | MAY 13, 2024

Update on the next collective agreement

Your bargaining team is continuing to finalize the new collective agreement. We’re holding regular meetings with the employer to correct errors in the proposed text and improve the new terms of application.

We expect to sign the agreement toward the end of May, a standard timeframe for this sort of work. Retroactive amounts for wage increases should be paid within 90 days from the date of signing.

We will give you more details as soon as the agreement is signed.

A great success!

The focus day on the future of labs, which took place in Québec City on May 6, drew the attention of MNAs and the media to the failures of the OPTILAB reform. With contributions from many different partners, the focus day was also a way to deepen our analysis, explore possible solutions, and build invaluable alliances that will help us make lab employees’ voices heard. A joint statement was developed and will soon be made public. Stay tuned – and in the meantime, watch our video or read the newsletter.


Whether you’re about to retire or at the beginning of your career, the webinar “Making sense of the RREGOP and other pension benefits” (in French) is for you. It will give you the information you need to optimize your contributions to your pension plan.

When: May 16, at 5:30 p.m.

Duration: approximately 2 hours

Sign me up

If you have any questions, contact us at retraite.assurance@aptsq.com. Union leave time cannot be granted for this type of meeting.

May 17: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Do you know why May 17 was chosen as International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia? It was on that date in 1990 that the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. We’ve come a long way since then!

But we can’t let our guard down, because rights can never be taken for granted; we have to protect them and out any outdated ideas. This is the theme of the annual campaign of the Fondation Émergence, the organization behind the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

May 21: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

If you haven’t yet seen it (or would like to see it again), the APTS provincial committee on cultural diversity invites you to watch an excellent video in which APTS members from a variety of cultural backgrounds talk about the difficulties they unfortunately still face. Diversity shouldn’t be a source of conflict, but an asset to appreciate and celebrate!

APTS Union Training Camp - 2024 edition

On April 23, the APTS held its annual union training camp. There were around 100 participants for the three workshops on remedies for the health care reform (Plan Santé), activism fatigue, and the environment. Watch the video highlights of the event.

To counteract Meta’s decision to block the publication on Facebook of news originating with Canadian media, the APTS is now providing a summary of its media interventions (in French) on its website at aptsq.com/media2024. You can go to this page to directly access articles and interviews related to your union.