AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 848 - April 28, 2021


  • Civil Aviation Safety Alert: Returning Aircraft to Service Following Storage During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Transport Canada, COVID-19: Civil Aviation Medical Examination and Certificate Renewal Procedures.
  • CYAs in the Lanaudière region.
  • April 22, 2021: Nav Canada publishes an update to its aeronautical information
  • Recency training program.
  • Aérocamping where to go, what to expect.
  • Martin Rousseau, one of our members, is in the headlines.
  • Your virtual library, updated April 22, 2021.
  • Photo competition 2020-21.

Civil Aviation Safety Alert: Returning aircraft to service following storage during the COVID-19 pandemic .

The purpose of this Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASAA is to provide guidance to aircraft owners, operators, Approved Maintenance Organizations (AMOs) and maintenance technician licensees. aircraft (AME), insofar as they plan to return to service aircraft parked or stored for long periods.

For a copy of this document, click HERE

Transport Canada, COVID-19: Civil Aviation Medical Examination and Certificate Renewal Procedures.

Under the new exemptions, medical certificates in all categories can be renewed by telemedicine if a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (MEAC) deems them eligible. Please refer to the Transport Canada site for more information. Click HERE.

For a list of doctors who agree to do telemedicine, click HERE.

CYAs in the Lanaudière region: parachuting schools

A message from Jocelyn Brunet, chief pilot, École de parachutisme Voltige

The parachuting season begins this week and in this airspace, the busiest for canopy jumpers and paradrop planes, that is to say Lanaudière, two CYA (P) will be very active.

It is important to understand that:
- Canopy jumpers are difficult to see;
-The jumpers in free fall are IMPOSSIBLE to see;
-An impact with a jumper will kill you too;
-There is as much if not more vertical and horizontal movement of aircraft and wings in the CYA (P) of the province than in some control zones of international airports in the country;
- Canopy jumpers have priority over motorized aircraft;
-Paradrop pilots must monitor control center frequency, aerodrome frequency and en-route frequency all at the same time. To reach them, it is therefore essential to use the aerodrome frequency, which is often less busy.

Please avoid CYA (P) and plan your flight around it to reduce the risk of collisions with jumpers and jettisoners.

Thank you for your collaboration and your professionalism to ensure the safety of everyone in the skies of our region!

Did you know that on April 22, 2021, Nav Canada released an update to its aeronautical information?

This update affects a whole series of documents. We would like to draw your attention to those brought to the AIP and the CFS.

For changes to the AIP, see the Nav Canada website

For changes to CFS:

- you can order your hard copy from Nav Canada or your preferred supplier, or;

- on your tablet via Foreflight (IOS) or FltPlan Go (Android, IOS). Note that FltPlan Go is a free application and provides up-to-date aeronautical information.

One of the important changes published in the CFS is the establishment of a common frequency for part of the Mauricie region. This change was originally published in an AIP Supplement published in July 2020. For a copy of this document, click HERE.

Be up to date with your aeronautical documentation. Your safety is at stake.

Our recency training program

Good news ! We are proud to announce that Transport Canada has authorized us to put online the recording of the training session of April 20 Training for owners and pilots of ultralight with Claude Roy  for the purpose of recency training, and this, in accordance with CAR 401.05.

In these difficult times, when COVID is disrupting our lives, Aviateurs.Québec is pleased to offer free of charge and for a limited time access to this training to all members and non-members of Aviateurs.Québec. We do this to give everyone the opportunity to meet their need for regulatory compliance, but also to improve their competence as a pilot.

This training, as the title suggests, specifically targets ultralight enthusiasts. Claude Roy is the sole owner and operator of the company Challenge Aviation which began its activities in 1997. He has flown ultralights since 1984, holds an ultralight instructor diploma since 1985, has more than 35 years and more than 6,500 hours of training. flying experience in the field of ultralights. 

To access the viewing of this video, click HERE

Last night we held another training session. This time, it was intended for general aviation pilots and had the theme: The return to flight after COVID.

The training was led by Sophie Dufresne, VP Member Services and Class 1 instructor. She was accompanied by Bernard Pichette from Transport Canada and Pierre Gavillet from the Transportation Safety Board. We are very happy with the level of participation (64).

Editing of the video recording will be completed this week and we plan to make it available on demand mode next week. We will announce its availability on our website as well as our Facebook page .

Thank you to the facilitators and to all the participants.

Aerocamping - where to go, what to expect.

About a year ago, I started to collect information on aerocamping friendly airports. Over the months, with an average of one addition per week, the repertoire has grown and it now numbers 49 airports.


The 50th is known, but the information is not "official". I will therefore add Les Bergeronnes as soon as I have confirmation from the municipality.

The addition process is long… and I opted not to “prospect” anymore, because the success rate is minimal. So I rather wait for someone to ask me to make additions.

In fact, I'm counting on you for additions hoping for two things:

  • that your suggestions follow a discussion with the person in charge of the airport and
  • that you send me the name of the person responsible AND their email address so that I can get in touch with them.

To access the directory, click HERE

Where to go?

The repertoire is pan-Canadian and I am delighted with this success, but I remain convinced that there are other places in Quebec that could be added. I await your news. Write to me at  djipibi@hotmail.com

What to expect?

Efforts are made to allow you to evaluate the location (location, surface and length of the runway), the equipment and services available to you, the tourist attractions and of course… the costs if applicable.

Under no circumstances does information on runways, aerodromes and hydrobases replace official information. They are only intended to allow you a first overview and potentially better target your choices.

Some places offer… wild camping! But some pilots are looking for that.
At other locations, you and your tent will be treated with 4 stars. I've even identified a few places where you can leave the tent on the plane and pay for a more… comfortable night in on-site accommodation.

At the suggestion of a pilot, early in the process, I made the availability of drinking water one of the priority elements, because having to transport water when there is some at your destination, it is carrying dead weight ... And even more unpleasant to think that there will be drinking water when there is not.

In the future?

There are other sites in the planning stages (ex .: Casey) and I expect good news.
The repertoire cannot grow without you so your contributions are appreciated (yes I'm rambling on there).
This summer should allow you to experience new places. If these are airports found with my directory, please do not hesitate to send me comments on the accuracy of the information or on any corrections or additions to be made. If the places are not included in the directory… you know how to reach me!

Thank you and have a great summer in the tent!

Jean-Pierre Bonin, djipibi@hotmail.com

Martin Rousseau, one of our members, makes the headlines at Van's Aircraft

Martin Rousseau, of the Club aéronautique de l'Abitibi-Ouest has just completed the construction of a magnificent RV-9A. This is his second project, the other being an RV-7A. The first test flight of his RV-9A took place on April 17 to Martin's great satisfaction.

He's also making headlines at Van's AIrcraft .

Congratulations to Martin.

Your virtual library, updated April 22, 2021

Photo Contest 2021

The 2021 competition has started!

We have a first winner for 2021. It is François Audette. François won one of the following prizes, a cap or a polo shirt in the colors of Aviateurs.Québec.

It's time to submit a photo or two for April! There are only three days left.

The received pictures will be on the Facebook page on 1st May. Votation will take place until 10th May. 

Aviateurs.Québec members in good standing can send their photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before April 30 at 10 p.m.

The winning photos for each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists.

The pricing structure

Grand annual winner: gift certificate $ 75 plus trophy
2nd and 3rd annual: gift certificate $ 25 plus trophy
Monthly winners: Cap or Polo

In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person cannot be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times during the year.

For a monthly round to be held, you must have received at least five photos, from at least three different photographers. Otherwise, the photos received are entered in the following month's round. The total number of photos in the final remains at 20.

The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE

Our sale continues. We reduced our prices by 15%.
Take the opportunity to display your colors, those of Aviators.Québec

Click on the image to go directly to our online store



"Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchanges between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. "


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.