
Voici votre rapport de veille pour cette semaine.

Fréquence : hebdomadaire.

Sources : banques de données probantes, quotidiens et médias sociaux. 

Questions, ajouts et commentaires :


Bonne lecture!



Daniela Ziegler, M.S.I.


Bibliothèque du CHUM



Sélection de journaux et de banques de données spécialisées en gestion            

( MIT Sloan Management Review, Harard Bussiness Review, BMJ Innovations, Deloitte Insights, Revue de gestion HEC, Strategic Management Journal )

Biological engineers find a new target for malaria drugs

Every year, more than 200 million people are infected with malaria, and nearly 500,000 die from the disease. Existing drugs can treat the infection, but the parasite that causes the disease has evolved resistance to many of them. To help overcome that resistance, scientists are now searching for drugs that hit novel …

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New drug combo shows early potential for treating pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer, which affects about 60,000 Americans every year, is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. After diagnosis, fewer than 10 percent of patients survive for five years. While some chemotherapies are initially effective, pancreatic tumors often become resistant to them. The disease has also proven difficult to treat with newer …

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Focus on Evidence, Not Opinions.

In 2011, entrepreneur Peter Reinhardt was working with his team within the framework of the Y combinator. After 2 failed ideas and with only 6 months of funding left, he felt a real pressure to figure out what direction they should pursue.

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The Paradox of Awards: How Status Ripples Affect Who Benefits from CEO Awards

Organization Science, Ahead of Print.

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Why Your Company Needs Revenue Operations to Drive Transformation

Sponsor content from Hubspot.

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3 Strategies for Rolling Out New Tech Within Your Company

Based on an analysis of more than 7,000 engineering projects.

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Returning to the Office Will Be Hard. Here’s How Managers Can Make It Easier.

Four strategies to support your team.

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Don’t Lose the Democratizing Effect of Remote Work

Mishandling the transition to hybrid could reinforce social inequalities and jeopardize your diversity and inclusion efforts.

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Here’s What Happens When You Focus on Employees to Better Serve Your Customers

Sponsor content from Salesforce.

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Moving the Needle on DEI

Practical ways that managers can build truly inclusive work environments.

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Fostering a Culture of Belonging in the Hybrid Workplace

Three challenges leaders must navigate.

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A 5-Step Roadmap for Becoming a More Customer-Centric Company

Sponsor content from Salesforce.

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How Outsiders Become Game Changers

Research identifies four factors behind their success.

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Has the Delta Variant Disrupted Your Office Reopening Plans?

Six principles to guide leaders.

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How to Set Boundaries in the Last Days of a Job

Six strategies to help you say no without burning bridges.

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When Entrepreneurs Distort the Truth

A conversation with Yale senior lecturer Kyle Jensen about how startup culture incentivizes bad founder behavior.

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A Simple Way to Identify Patients Who Need Tech Support for Telemedicine

Lessons from Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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Trust, Incomplete Contracting, and Corporate Innovation

Management Science, Ahead of Print.

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The Hidden Role of Contract Terms: The Case of Credit Card Minimum Payments in Mexico

Management Science, Ahead of Print.

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Start with “Why”, but Only if You Have to: The Strategic Framing of Novel Ideas across Different Audiences

Abstract Research summary. Building on social psychology research and entrepreneurship work on linguistic framing, we argue that the appreciation of novel ideas varies with the mental construal that members of different audiences use to evaluate them. Specifically, we theorize that the congruency between idea framing and audiences' mental construals depends …

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Enseignement et recherche

Transforming postgraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Creating a trainee-led virtual teaching platform

Author Names: Collins E.,Ahmad A.,May H.,Price K.,Egbase E.,Mathews C. Database Source: Embase Journal Title: Future Healthcare Journal Article Title: Transforming postgraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Creating a trainee-led virtual teaching platform Year: 2021 Issue: 1 Volume: 8 Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact …

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What Is an Innovation Article? A Systematic Overview of Innovation in Health Professions Education Journals

Acad Med. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004293. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTPURPOSE: Innovation articles have their own submission category and guidelines in health professions education (HPE) journals, which suggests innovation might be a unique genre of scholarship. Yet, the requirements for innovation submissions vary among journals, suggesting ambiguity about the core content …

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Diffusion et pérennisation 


Conversational stories & self organizing maps: Innovations for the scalable study of uncertainty in healthcare communication

Patient Educ Couns. 2021 Jul 29:S0738-3991(21)00503-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2021.07.043. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTBACKGROUND: Understanding uncertainty in participatory decision-making requires scientific attention to interaction between what actually happens when patients, families and clinicians engage one another in conversation and the multi-level contexts in which these occur. Achieving this understanding …

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COVID-19 and digital transformation: developing an open experimental testbed for sustainable and innovative environments using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

F1000Res. 2021 Apr 1;10:264. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.51357.1. eCollection 2021.ABSTRACTThis paper sketches a new approach using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) to operably map and simulate digital transformation in architecture and urban planning. Today these processes are poorly understood. Many current studies on digital transformation are only treating questions of economic efficiency. Sustainability …

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Facebook facilite le transfert de données vers Google Agenda et Photobucket - L'Usine Digitale

Facebook facilite le transfert de données vers Google Agenda et Photobucket L'Usine Digitale

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Google Cloud CEO shares tech's greatest opportunities to transform healthcare - Mobihealth News

Google Cloud CEO shares tech's greatest opportunities to transform healthcare Mobihealth News

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​Travail: clauses de non-concurrence et innovation - Le Devoir

​Travail: clauses de non-concurrence et innovation Le Devoir

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New collaboration between NICE and The Academic Health Science Network will help embed innovations into the healthcare system for the benefit of patients - NICE

New collaboration between NICE and The Academic Health Science Network will help embed innovations into the healthcare system for the benefit of patients NICE

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How APIs and design thinking are moving the needle on healthcare innovation - Healthcare IT News

How APIs and design thinking are moving the needle on healthcare innovation Healthcare IT News

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Creative Solutions For Coping With Change At Work: A Conversation With David Eagleman - Forbes

Creative Solutions For Coping With Change At Work: A Conversation With David Eagleman Forbes

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Innovation Management Webinars | HYPE Innovation

3 days ago ... HYPE Innovation Webinars. Free on-demand webinars for innovation and idea management. Subscribe to stay informed on upcoming webinars.

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