Brown background with text reading "Quakers in Canada: News from around Canadian Yearly Meeting." Most of the text is yellow, but the Q is pale green.

Dear Friends,

As winter slowly begins to draw to a close (even from where I sit in Ottawa, believe it or not), we thought now would be a good time to share some opportunities to virtually travel between meetings and make the most of the long evenings. See below for more details, or visit the compilation of online meetings across the country:

Thank you for reading Canadian Yearly Meeting's monthly electronic newsletter—we're glad to have you! If you know others who might like to receive this, please feel free to forward this message so that other friends can subscribe at the link below. Your help in connecting Friends across the country is deeply appreciated!

Sign up

Zoom Climate Session with TMM and Lyn Adamson

Lyn Adamson is hosting a Toronto Monthly Meeting zoom climate conversation on Sunday, February 28th (10-11:30am PST, 11am-12:30pm MST, 12-1:30pm CST, 1-2:30pm EST, 2-3:30pm AST, 3:30-5 NST.) Email to access the Zoom link - or to set up a session for your own meeting.

A crowd of people, with the photo centred on a poster reading "there is no planet B" with a picture of the earth.

Ottawa Monthly Meeting Meeting for Healing

Ottawa Monthly Meeting is hosting monthly Meetings with a Chosen Focus on the first Wednesday of every month. This month's is a Meeting for Healing, on March 3rd from 4-6pm PST, 5-7pm MST, 6-8pm CST, 7-9pm EST, 8-10pm AST, 8:30-10:30pm NST.

(Wondering what a Meeting for Healing is? Find out more at

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here:

Meeting ID: 928 238 379

Password: 870906

A shadowy hand holds a sparkler against a gray cloudy sky.

NeeKauNis Zoom social!

You are invited to a NeeKauNis Zoom social on Sunday, March 7th (12pm PST, 1pm MST, 2pm CST, 3pm EST, 4pm AST, 4:30pm NST). The gathering will last two hours, and participants will be able to move between breakout rooms named for locations at Camp NeeKauNis (e.g. the Kitchen, Nelson-Hall, the Playing Field). Send ideas for room themes to Beth at, and invite your friends! 

Learn more

Picture of the path down to the waterfront at Camp NeeKauNis - a rough wooden railing, surrounded by green trees.

Get to Know Thee, Friend: A 12 part series for Canadian Friends Service Committee's 90th anniversary

"Brew some tea and join Canadian Friends Service Committee on the last Thursday of every month this year for an online evening of discussion, sharing, and Friendship. Our series Get to Know Thee, Friend is a chance to meet Friends from across Canada and learn about their experience with Friends and with service work." The next session is Thursday, March 25th.

Learn more

Text reading: "Get to Know Thee, Friend: a twelve part series in honour of CFSC's 90th Anniversary" in black and red, on a faded out background of a crowd of people, pictured from the back, sitting in chairs.

Recorded talk: "Why I am Still A Quaker, Even Though I'm an Athiest."

Friend Dan Cooperstock presented for Toronto Oasis on January 3rd, and a recording of the video is available! Learn more about Dan's experiences.

Watch the video

A screenshot of Dan Cooperstock's talk - photo shows Dan, a pale person with a gray beard and little hair, wearing a white shirt and sitting in an office chair.

Food Coop Greatest Hits: Your Photos

The Canadian Friend is looking for your photos of the food coop over the years, for inclusion in an article. Send favourite photos to by May 15th so we can all remember together.

A bowl of soup, sitting on a dark table next to red peppers and pepper seeds.

What's Up in April?

If your Monthly Meeting is hosting an online session that you would be happy to invite Friends across Canada to join, please send clear information (including a link to more information online, or a contact name and email) to by March 15th. We are also always happy to receive other submissions of news, events, photos, and more that may be of interest to CYM Friends (although we may have to discern what is ultimately included.)

A meadow with purple crocuses in the foreground, with a mountain range in the background.