Welcome to this week's Educator Resources, which is dedicated to 'International Day of Pink,' an annual event on the second Wednesday in April to help "stand up against bullying" and "create a more inclusive and diverse world." One way to show support is to wear pink on April 13th to "represent equality, diversity, inclusivity, solidarity, kindness, courage, acceptance and much more." In addition, the links below include recommended resources to help spread the message.

Educator Resources:

  1. Check out the awareness resources to commemorate International Day of Pink (this year's theme is "Represent"), including the recent edition of Colouring With Pride
  2. The Bully Project includes multimedia to help "prevent bullying and create a more caring, respectful community."
  3. The Safe Schools Cyberbullying Resource, by The Canadian Safe School Network, includes strategies for preventing and addressing cyberbullying, including ways to teach positive digital ditizenship. 

About Us:

For those who are unfamiliar with Myles Ahead, we are a national charity that is dedicated to advancing child and youth mental health. Thank you for joining us along this journey. To learn more, click here.

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