EXPRESS AVIATOR #926 – April 10,  2024

The photo in this edition of “Your photo in the newsletter banner” is by Patrick Vergobbi.

Congratulations to Patrick for this photo taken of the Saint-André-Avellin aerodrome last fall.

This photo will be among the finalists in January 2025 presented to an external jury determining the three winners of the photo competition trophies. She will also be eligible for the end-of-year draw for ten prizes from ALL photos received.

To see all the photos from the 2024 Photo Competition

You too could have your photo put in the banner of our newsletter and our Facebook page. To send us your photos, write to us at

Check out the details about this competition


  • Annual general meeting: April 6 at the École national d'aérotechnique
  • Annual general meeting: Jean-Pierre Bonin’s photo album
  • Prix Émérite Aviateurs.Québec 2024
  • Benefit dinner: All-you-can-eat lobsters.
  • Meeting with representatives of local associations
  • Obituary of Guy-Paul Mongrain
  • Training program: Underwater evacuation, 10% discount for Aviateurs.Québec members
  • Training sessions
  • 11th Induction Gala to the Quebec Air and Space Pantheon
  • Quebec Aerospace Museum: MAQ Express No. 21
  • Mont-Laurier Airport: the Shore Lunch restaurant is open
  • NAV Canada: tutorials to tame CFPS
  • Our video-on-demand platform
  • Your virtual library

Annual General Meeting, April 6, 2024

It was last Saturday that we met at ENA Saint-Hubert for our annual general meeting. During this meeting, the members present were informed about the status of the association: finances, activities for 2023 and plans for 2024. We were thus able to approve the financial statements for 2023 and validate the composition of the board of directors for 2024-2025. We welcomed two new members who are from the Quebec region: Fabien Marier and Stéphane Verreau. Michel Chartier also expressed his thanks and those of the other members of the board of directors to Nathalie Fortin who had to leave for professional reasons. The new board of directors for 2023-2024 is composed as follows:

The members of the board of directors will now meet to decide on the composition of the executive committee. To be continued in the next issue of L’Express.

Two firsts this year: the meeting was broadcast on ZOOM and we invited organizations as exhibitors. We had SERABEC, the Quebec Aerospace Museum, the AéroVision Foundation and AeroFormatech®. This latest initiative was very well received by the members and we intend to do it again next year.

We would like to thank all the members who came to this meeting as well as the speakers and exhibitors who made this event a great success. 

Annual general meeting: Jean-Pierre Bonin’s photo album

We thank Jean-Pierre Bonin, our faithful collaborator, who was present for the photo shoot. He put together an album on Flickr that you can discover by clicking on the button. 

AGM 2024 photo album

Aviator Emeritus Award.Quebec 2024

For the first time in our history, an Émérite award from Aviateurs.Québec was awarded during the general assembly. Four applications of high quality due to their involvement in the promotion of general aviation were submitted to us. 

One candidate among this group stands out for his contribution to the promotion of general aviation in Quebec in the person of Gilles Lapierre. Gilles volunteered nearly 15 years of his life to the association. 

A tireless worker, he carried the pilgrim's staff throughout the province and even outside Quebec, thus contributing to the advancement of general aviation and air safety. We owe initiatives such as the training and knowledge updating program to Gilles' leadership.

We also owe him the first steps of the APBQ in the field of numeric information. Under his leadership, the association set up a website, a newsletter and related virtual services. Later, he brought Aviateurs.Québec to the 2.0 era, with media adapted to this new reality, thus benefiting these members.

Aviateurs.Québec would like to highlight his voluntary involvement in the association over all these years and award him the Aviateurs.Québec 2024 Émérite prize.

We would like to thank the three other candidates for their work within the community of general aviation pilots in Quebec. You are, each in your own way, builders and we salute your dedication to this cause. We also want to thank those who took the time to prepare the application files. 

If you have not yet purchased your tickets for the fundraising dinner, act quickly, as the number of available places is quickly diminishing.


Tickets for our classic All-you-can-eat Lobster Benefit Dinner are available for $150 per person (tip included). 

I buy my tickets for the Benefit Dinner: All-you-can-eat lobsters 

Meeting with representatives of local associations

The afternoon of April 6, after the AGM, was busy. Aviateurs.Québec had organized a meeting with representatives of local associations. It was a first face-to-face meeting since the pandemic.

Twelve associations were represented for a forum on the future of general aviation in Quebec. The aim of this meeting was to identify the various pitfalls that threaten the advancement of general aviation and to identify possible solutions. It was a first meeting which allowed us all to focus on the different issues which, as you can imagine, vary significantly from one region to another. A little early for a concrete action plan, but we are committed to continuing discussions with the aim of putting one forward.

One observation is already emerging and that is that collectively we can all improve the way we sell general aviation. Each pilot, each aircraft owner has the opportunity to contribute to the promotion of general aviation by participating in events such as Youth in Flight, First Flight, RVA or even as a volunteer within an association. local. We are counting on you.

It is with sadness that we learned of the death of Guy-Paul Mongrain, a friend and loyal supporter of Aviateurs.Québec. We offer our most sincere condolences to the family and his many friends.

The funeral will take place on April 13 at 11 a.m. at St-Timothée Church in Hérouxville.

To know more

The next sessions will take place in Blainville, Hôtel Times :

  • April 13: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • May 24: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • May 25: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Please note that these sessions are open to everyone (member or non-member of Aviateurs.Québec).

On the other hand, if you are a member of Aviateurs.Québec, Aero-Formatech® offers you a 10% reduction on the price of a package which is $395. 

To find out more about this training, click HERE

To register, contact Aero-Formatech® directly by email:

Don't hesitate, ask for a quote.
It doesn't commit you to anything and you can compare!


  • Saarland, April 13: Module # 2 On the way and CFIT

Information and registration, La Sarre

  • Rimouski, April 13: Module #1 Takeoff and departure

Information and registration, Rimouski

  • Mont-Laurier, April 20: Module #1 Takeoff and departure

Information and registration, Mont-Laurier

  • Joliette, April 27: Module # 2 On the way and CFIT

Information and registration, Joliette

  • Lac-à-la-Tortue, April 27: Module # 2 On the way and CFIT

Information and registration, Lac-à-la-Tortue

  • Victoriaville, April 27: Module # 1 Takeoff and departure

Information and registration, Victoriaville

  • Mont-Tremblant, May 9 at 5:30 p.m.: Module # 3 Approach and landing

Information and registration, Mont-Tremblant

To consult/download the MAQ No. 21 newsletter

Did you know that Pascan Aviation and Helicraft have each offered new flights which will be drawn randomly among members who have joined or renewed their membership between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. The MAQ officials would like to warmly thank these two companies established at the Saint-Hubert airport for their support of the museum's activities.

To find out more about this offer

Are you looking for a destination for lunch? Good news, the restaurant at Mont-Laurier airport is reopened for the season. The schedule is Wednesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. to serve you dinner & dinner.

For more info

NAV Canada: Some tutorials on the AWWS platform

To help you get to grips with this new platform, NAV Canada has posted a few videos that guide you in using CFPS.

How to use CFPS

How to query CFPS

Our video-on-demand platform

You want to improve your skills as a pilot or simply comply with regulatory requirements. We have what you need. Video training that you can watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your home and it's free for members of Aviateurs.Québec. We offer 2 types of training:

  • Training for the purpose of updating knowledge and which is approved by Transport Canada
    • Risk management during the approach and landing phase
    • Flight in winter
  • General interest training. We offer these training courses on Foreflight:
    • Initial setting
    • Flight planning
    • Weight and balance
    • Visual approach
    • Installing a PDF document in Foreflight.

How to get there ? Easy !

  1. By going to the home page of the Aviateurs.Québec website
  2. By then clicking on the quick link Training – Video on demand
  3. That's it, you will then have access to our online training video library .
  4. Then follow the instructions to view your training.

Your virtual library

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of these publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

Your photo:
If possible in high definition. Minimum format: 1024 pixels in its largest dimension. Information required :

  • PLACE where the photo was taken
  • YOUR FULL NAME (note that only members in good standing can participate)
  • You have read and accept the complete regulations available on the Aviateurs.Québec website by clicking HERE

Functioning :

Submit your photo to

The photo placed in the banner will be chosen by the person(s) administering the competition.

For subsequent editions of the newsletter, the photo chosen will be from among all the photos received since the beginning of the current year. At the end of the year, the photos (maximum 26) that have been chosen for the banner will be submitted to an external jury to determine the three winning photographers.

First prize: $150 gift certificate + trophy
Second prize: $100 gift certificate + trophy
Third prize: $50 gift certificate + trophy

10 other winners will be determined by random draw among ALL photographers who participated during the year: $55 credit applicable towards a membership renewal or a purchase in the Aviateurs.Québec store of the winner's choice.


"To bring together and represent Quebec aviators in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote its accessibility and to protect its rights, to facilitate exchanges between members and to provide access to resources assistance, training and information."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 /


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.


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