Council Meeting Highlights - September 23rd, 2024

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Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the September 23rd, 2024 Regular Council Meeting was not recorded. We apologize for the inconvenience. The agenda link is below. Official meeting minutes will be available to the public once approved by Council at an upcoming meeting.

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Wastewater Treatment Plant - Temporary Borrowing Bylaw

The City of Kimberley's Chief Financial Officer, Krista Waite, requested that Council approve the first three readings of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 2771, 2024. This bylaw would allow the City to borrow short-term funds to minimize the impact on cash flows during the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. During the discussion, questions arose about the difference between this bylaw and the previously approved Wastewater Treatment Plant Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2703, 2022.

Waite explained that Bylaw No. 2703 is for long-term borrowing, while short-term borrowing, as proposed in Bylaw No. 2771, allows the City to borrow in smaller increments and thus avoid paying unnecessary interest charges. Short-term loans also provide flexibility in securing better rates. Any funds borrowed through short-term borrowing would eventually be converted to long-term debt as the project nears completion.

For context, in 2022, residents approved borrowing $35 million dollars through referendum during the Local General Election. These funds will cover the City's share of the costs to build the new wastewater treatment plant.

Council approved the first three readings, and staff will seek final approval of the bylaw at a future meeting.

More Information on the WWTP


Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Adaptation Funding

In March 2024, Fire Chief Will Booth received Council approval to provide the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) with a letter of support for their application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Adaptation Funding Program. After submitting the application, UBCM requested clarification on the letter of support. They asked that the wording be updated to state that while the RDEK would be receiving the funds on behalf of the City of Kimberley and others, the City’s support is contingent on any grant funds being used to conduct a Regional Hazards, Risk, and Vulnerability Analysis that must include a localized risk assessment specific to the City of Kimberley to help inform local emergency management planning.

Council approved the wording change, and staff will revise and re-submit the modified letter. Grant decisions are expected to be announced soon.


The meeting concluded at 7:13 and Council held a seperate in-camera meeting.