National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health |

May 2023

This report draws on the previous outputs in this series to develop guidance to support environmental public health professionals to perform collaborative foodborne illness outbreak investigations, including mentoring, practical experience, training, and information sharing.

Do-it-yourself (DIY) air cleaners: Evidence on effectiveness and considerations for safe operation

Updated Subject Guides:
Extreme Heat | Flooding

As hotter summer temperatures near, it is important to be prepared for risks that could accompany it. These recently updated subject guides provide information on extreme heat and flooding, linking to key resources for each on preparedness, response and public communication.

Ticks in a changing environment

This resource summarizes how best to design and manage outdoor environments to reduce tick habitat, and outlines steps one should take to reduce the risk of getting bitten by a tick when recreating or working outdoors. It is intended for parks professionals and users, landscape designers, residential property owners, and public health professionals. It is the final installment of our project, “Managing tick-related risks in outdoor environments”.

Upcoming Webinars

Rapid implementation of bikeways for healthy, safe, equitable
and more sustainable communities

May 24, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM PT

Matt Craig, Director, System Planning, TransLink
Brian Patterson, Senior Transportation Planner, Urban Systems

Managing tick-related risks in outdoor environments

May 31, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM PT

Negar Elmieh, PhD
University of British Columbia

Research scan

May 2023 environmental health research scan

This monthly Research Scan highlights recent environmental health publications by topic and provides easy access to article abstracts and report summaries to support public health professionals, researchers, planners, students, and others working in public health.


Transport Canada is seeking feedback on preparing for and responding to marine pollution 

Transport Canada is seeking feedback on the approach and directions on Preparing for and responding to marine pollution (, a proposal that outlines the Government of Canada’s intent to create a single, seamless, national system for marine pollution incidents. Use this online form to submit feedback on the proposed approach: Let’s talk: Preparing and responding to marine pollution | Let's Talk Transportation- (

Deadline for feedback: May 31, 2023

Call for Submissions – Infectious Disease and Climate Change Forum

The 2023 Infectious Disease and Climate Change Forum aims to present multi-sectoral research and knowledge in the areas of climate change and infectious disease, while also engaging participants in action-oriented sessions that build the knowledge and capacity of professionals to identify and implement programs and policies that reduce the impact of climate change on infectious disease, health, and well-being.

The Forum is currently accepting submissions for oral abstracts, panel discussions and workshops in English only. Click here to learn more!

Deadline: June 30, 2023, 2:00pm PDT

Webinar Recording

External events

Please note that not all information is available in both official languages as the source of the information may not be subject to the Official Languages Act.

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This email is compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam legislation. For more information please visit the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation page.Production of the NCCEH eNews has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada through the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health. NCCEH is one of six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health