Announcing a New Zoom

Lok Hup Ba Fa 2nd Half Class

Every Saturday at 10 AM EDT to Noon

Start Date: Saturday September 3rd 2022

Registration closes September 17th

Doug Nettleton will be offering a weekly Lok Hup Ba Fa practice session over zoom starting on Saturday, September 3, 2022. The sessions will be two hours in length and participants will be expected to have their video on and that they will participate. The material covered will depend on the skill level of participants that show up on the first week. At a minimum, participants will be expected to know a version (from Mr. Moy's lineage) of the first half of the Lok Hup form.

Pre-requisit: Each person is expected to have learned the first half and spent at a minimum of 6 months practicing the first half.

Zoom: Working camera and microphone (you can request an exemption)

Attendance: Commit to attending each Saturdsay (subject to family and work commitments)

Doug had the good fortune to be taught the first half of Lok Hup by Mr. Moy starting in February 1984. He was a member of the first public class covering the second half of the form during "the year of the second half of lok hup". He was a founding board member of the Gei Pang Lok Hup Academy and was accredited to instruct the lok hup form in regular classes of that academy. He regularly instructs lok hup classes and has led both week long and weekend workshops in the CTCA.

When Mr. Moy founded the Gei Pang Lok Hup Academy, one of the reasons he gave was that students who practiced lok hup recovered their health faster than those who only practiced Tai Chi. During week long workshops, Mr. Moy always expected that participants would not just learn a new form but that their Tai Chi would also improve. Hopefully, that will be the case for participants of these Lok Hup Ba Fa sessions.


Registration Information

Please send a registration request to workshop@LondonTaiChi.ca . You will be sent a registration form to fill out and return. Once the registration form has been recieved you will receive a registration confirmation notification.

You will be put on the Lok Hup Practice notification list. You will receive a reminder email before each practice with the Zoom invitation.

Our initial limit will be 100 people (Zoom limitation). If we have more people attending the session we will have to make a special accommodation to increase the limit.

Earlier Heaven Pa Qua

The Canadian Tai Chi Academy is a registered charitable organization No. 85630-8366-RR0001