AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 847 - April 14, 2021


  • FAA Airworthiness Directive - Main wing spar inspection, Piper models PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28-235, PA-32-260 , and PA-32-300 .
  • Training program for recency qualification.
  • Two of our members are making the headlines.
  • The Annual general meeting.
  • Nomination honorary member.
  • New member benefit: your own website
  • Your virtual library, updated March 31, 2021.
  • Photo competition 2020-21.

FAA Airworthiness Directive - Main wing spar inspection,  Piper models PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28-235, PA-32-260 , and PA-32-300 .

The FAA has issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) requiring the inspection of the main wing spar of Piper aircraft models PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA- 28-235, PA-32-260, and PA-32-300. 

This airworthiness directive follows an accident in 2018 where a Piper PA-28R-201 lost one of its wings in flight. The directive affects some 5,440 aircraft having reached 5,000 flight hours or more.

Here are some links to follow to find out more:

FAA AD 2021-00044

Piper Service bulletin # 1345

AOPA Article: FAA finalized Piper wing-spar inspection AD

Recency training program

Aviateurs.Québec consolidates its training program to update knowledge for general aviation pilots. We had already announced training on April 20 for owners and pilots of ultralight. Today we are adding a training session which will target all general aviation pilots and which will be offered on April 27 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

The main purpose of this spring program will be to prepare participants for the flight season after this long winter break and the COVID 19 pandemic. 

Aviateurs. Quebec, as a relief in these times of pandemic, continues in its recent tradition of graciously offering this training to all (members and non-members). As the number of participants is limited by our Zoom package, priority will be given to members of Aviateurs.Québec - if necessary.

By the end of April, we will therefore have had two training sessions that will qualify for recency trianing in accordance with CAR 401.05.

April 20 at 7:30 p.m. : Training for ultralight owners and pilots with Claude Roy.

This training, as the title suggests, will specifically target ultralight enthusiasts. Claude Roy is the sole owner and operator of the company Challenge Aviation which began its activities in 1997. He has flown ultralights since 1984, holds an ultralight instructor diploma since 1985, has more than 35 years and more than 6,500 hours of training. flying experience in the field of ultralights. 

To register, click HERE


April 27 at 7:00 p.m. : Return to flying after COVID. 

Sophie Dufresne, VP Member Services and Class 1 instructor, will lead the session with the participation of Bernard Pichette -Transport Canada and Pierre Gavillet - Bureau de la Sécurité des Transports.

Containment due to the COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in an extended period of no flying for many. As with ultralight pilots, the objective of this presentation is to prepare pilots and general aviation technicians for a higher number of anticipated problems than in normal times.

To register, click HERE

Two of our members making the headlines.

News of Air Tunilik reported in the Journal of Montreal from April 9, 2021.

Air Tunilik has just obtained a loan of $ 3 million from Investissement Québec and a grant of $ 2 million.

This northern enthusiast will be able to fly his 12 seaplanes and operate his ten hydrobases - Manic-5, Sept-Îles, Havre-Saint-Pierre, Natashquan, Wabush, Baie-Comeau, among others - this year.

To read the article, click HERE


Québec Aéronature and its founder Ghislain Buisson in the Presse + of April 12, 2021

Aviation was threatened by the storm everywhere, but Québec Aéronature, although shaken like a straw (that is the time-honored expression), managed to weather the storm.

To read the article, click HERE

Annual General Meeting, April 10, 2021

You are a member of Aviateurs.Québec and you missed the annual general meeting held on April 10 via Zoom, you can view the video recording of this meeting as well as the documents discussed there by going to our site web at the following link AGA 2021 .

Do not hesitate to send us your comments or questions by writing to us at  info@aviateurs.quebec .

Appointment of new honorary members

Michel Chartier, President of Aviateurs.Québec, is pleased to announce the appointment of three new honorary members in recognition of services rendered within the association. 

Isabelle Charbonneau: former president of Aviateurs.Québec.
Gilles Jean: former president of Aviateurs.Québec.
Maurice Drouin: 30 years as directors on the board of directors.

Aviateurs.Québec, on behalf of all its members, sincerely thank them for their contribution.

New benefit for Aviators.Québec members: your own website.

You would like to have your own website, but the trouble of site hosting, URL license maintenance, site security block you, we have the solution for you.

Aviateurs.Québec offers its members the possibility of having their own website. This website is in fact a microsite attached to that of Aviateurs.Québec. We therefore assume the costs of hosting, maintenance of the platform and other associated costs. The owner of the site is responsible only for the content and maintenance of this content.

The image above is the home page of Jean-Pierre Bonin's website - hosted at Aviateurs.Québec as a microsite. We invite you to visit it to see the possibilities that such a microsite could offer, and this at little cost by clicking  HERE

Another example of a microsite is the one on flight simulation. To view it, click HERE

Pricing for an annual microsite subscription:

  • Regular, affiliate or honorary member: $ 25 / year
  • Corporate member: $ 50 / year

You are interested ? You want to know more ? Contact us HERE

Your virtual library, updated March 31, 2021

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of some publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

Aviator Photo Contest. Quebec 2021

The 2021 competition has started!

We have a first winner for 2021. It is François Audette. François won one of the following prizes, a cap or a polo shirt in the colors of Aviateurs.Québec.

It's time to submit a photo or two for April!

Aviateurs.Québec members in good standing can send their photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before April 30 at 10 p.m.

The winning photos for each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists.

The pricing structure

Grand annual winner: gift certificate $ 75 plus trophy
2nd and 3rd annual: gift certificate $ 25 plus trophy
Monthly winners: Cap or Polo

In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person cannot be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times during the year.

For a monthly round to be held, you must have received at least five photos, from at least three different photographers. Otherwise, the photos received are entered in the following month's round. The total number of photos in the final remains at 20.

The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE

Our sale continues. We reduced our prices by 15%.
Take the opportunity to display your colors, those of Aviators.Québec

Click on the image to go directly to our online store



"Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchanges between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. "


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.