All Set for the Trails

Adventures in the wild

Next season, sign up for our excursions:

  • May 17 in the Eastern Townships - Spring wild plants and mushrooms
  • July 27 in the Eastern Townships
  • July 19 in the Laurentians
  • August 2 and Sept. 6 in Mauricie

Other announcements will follow: enjoy our own wilderness!


All you need to know

For those who want to learn more and experience the forest, sign up for our 2-day intensive course on 29 and 30 March. You can also join one of our summer excursions at a bargain price.


A production of your own

In this workshop, our expert will show you how to grow mushrooms on logs, in beds or in gardens. The workshop includes a practical exercise. Participants leave with a grow kit. See you on Sunday morning, 16 March.


Zoom in on Morels

On the morning of 13 April, Judith Noël-Gagnon will introduce you to the biology, cultivation and harvesting of morels. Romain Chesnaux and Josée Kaufmann (on screen from Morocco) will take you on a harvesting expedition to the burns of British Columbia.

Zoom in on Morels

Photo Workshop

July 18 and 20, take part in a two-day mushroom photography workshop with Jean Després. Learn the techniques of macro photography, lighting and depth of field in a Zoom session, followed by an excursion to nearby Mont-Royal forest.

Fungal Photography

Fire Morels

There are many species of morel, all recognisable by their wrinkled caps and related to their rond (Morchella esculenta) or black (M. elata) ancestors. They pop out in large nimbers after forest fires in north-west America. Surprisingly, fire morels are comparatively sparse in the burns of the North-East.

Cultivated Morels

In 2024, forest fires were devastating in the west, but not very significant in north-eastern America. This bodes well for the seasonal harvest of wild morels. What's more, the cultivated crop has been growing steadily in China since 2010. Experience for yourself with our growing kits, which you can plant in late winter or autumn.

Poulet crémeux aux morilles et vin jaune

A bouquet of Aromas

Morels are always a welcome guest at the table. Try our version of a savory poulet de Bresse au vin jaune et aux morilles or one of our other delicious recipes. Let yourself be seduced by the flavours of meat, blue cheese, roasted nuts and almonds. Cultivated or wild, morels are available here.

And don't forget to join us on 13 April, in your living room or in the shop: our specialists and seasoned pickers will share their knowledge and adventures with you.

Timely Discount

Cultivation Mania 

When the hibernation period ends in March, it's a good time to seed logs. Cultivation dowels are reduced to $15 per 100, instead of $20. If you're stuck with recently fallen trees, take advantage of spring to start your own production. The variety of mushroom species available will amaze you. Reduced prices in March!

Cultivation Dowels

A Mushroom Joke?

Mushrooms are to become the meat of vegetarians. They are known to recycle organic matter of all sorts. Some even dissolve minerals. Many are carnivores. In particular, they feed on small worms called nematodes.

Each species has its own hunting technique: oyster mushrooms, for example, stretch out toxic filaments (hyphae), paralysing their prey before absorbing the nutrients. Other species use lasso trapping (read Merlin Sheldrake's stimulating Entangled Life).

Here's a conversation overheard between two compatible mushrooms in a woodland:

‘I don't think I've met you before. Is this your first time here? ’

‘No, I'm praticing my spores just around the corner’.

‘Do you live with your parents? ’

‘Not far, but they split up when I was born’.

‘I like your perfume ’

‘It's floral from Myco & co ’

‘ Would you accept an invitation to a worm diner? ’

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