School of Kinesiology

Summer Camp Registration

A warm and sunny welcome back for the Summer 2024 term! 

Not yet registered? Registration for camps, programs, and birthday parties is still open! 

For the schedule overview and pricing, please view our Summer Brochure.

For more details and registration, please view our Online Calendar!

If you have any questions, please contact the registration office at 604-822-0207 or kin.outreach@ubc.ca.

Fall Registration

The Fall term will open for registration on Tuesday July 30 at 10am. 

Registration will be available online, over the phone, and in-person.

Stay tuned for the complete Fall schedule and pricing!

Drop-In Reminder 

A friendly reminder that the drop-in schedule is different during the summer term:

Family Drop-In 

  • Tue | 6pm to 7pm
  • Thu | 6pm to 7pm 

Adult Drop-In

  • Mon | 7pm to 9pm
  • Wed | 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Please view our website for more details or our Online Calendar to register!

August Long Weekend

UBC Active Kids will be closed at the beginning of next month for the August long weekend. 

Active Kids will be closed from Satuday, Aug 3 to Monday, Aug 5.

Classes will resume as scheduled on Tuesday, Aug 6.

SUNRISE Research Study - Participation Opportunity

As part of the International Study of Movement Behaviours in the Early Years (SUNRISE), the Population Physical Activity Lab invites you to participate in SUNRISE, an international study in collaboration with the University of Wollongong.

This study evaluates how well 3 and 4-year-old children adhere to the World Health Organization Global 24-hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years and examines their impact on healthy growth and development.

For more details:

Outdoor Games from Around the World

Looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors and learn something new with your kids?

How about learning 8 popular outdoor games from around the world! 

Click here to view the Active 4 Life Article for more details. 

Call: 604-822-0207

Online: http://kin.ubc.ca/activekids

In Person: Osborne Centre
6108 Thunderbird Blvd. Vancouver B.C V6T 1Z3