Kwantlen Park Secondary to receive
20-classroom addition

The expansion will add 500 student spaces at the school and is projected to be completed by spring 2027.

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Talking to your kids about 'stranger danger'

As the days get longer and children & teens start to walk home from school more often or stay out later, it’s important to remind them to be mindful of their surroundings and stay vigilant.

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Students gather donations for Turkey and Syria earthquake relief

Surrey and White Rock students from schools across the district have been raising money through craft & bake sales, and cash drives, to help provide humanitarian aid to victims of last month’s Turkey-Syria earthquake.

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Career educations programs provide opportunities for students to explore new paths

Applications are now being accepted for a variety of courses and programs in the 2023-24 school year that offer students hands-on experience, post-secondary credit and a head start on their career!

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Two separate art exhibitions shine a spotlight on student talent!

Take some time over spring break to visit the 'Identity' art show, featuring the work of kindergarten to Grade 12 students reflecting on who they are, or the Art by Surrey Secondary Students: Connected,  showcasing an array of artwork by Grade 8-12 students! 

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Surrey Schools keeps students engaged & active with spring break camps 

Between the district’s Safe Schools and Community Schools Partnership departments, there will be camps hosted across 21 schools -- 15 elementary and six secondary schools.

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Students bring 36 medals home from regional Skills competition

Technology and trades students from across the district have 36 new medals around their necks, following last week’s Skills Canada Lower Fraser Valley Regional Competition.

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Keep up with everything happening in the Surrey School District year round, including athletic accomplishments, intergenerational connectionsstudents' charitable work, days of awareness, science fairs, and much more. And be sure to catch our Spring reading series for book recommendations for all ages! Follow our social media channels (links below) to stay up to date every day!

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