Delegations: Interior Health Authority
The Board heard a presentation from Dianne Kostachuk, Director of Business Operations for Interior Health Authority (IHA). Kostachuk provided an update on major capital projects (above $100,000) and minor capital projects (under $100,000) which are planned by IHA during the 2024-25 fiscal year. A list of projects and details of major capital projects were also included in the TRHD Budget Report, which can be found here.
The Board also heard two presentations from Josh Sharp, Clinical Director of Royal Inland Hospital, and Todd Mastel, Corporate Director of Business Operatoins for RIH. The first presentation related to Phase 2 of upgrades to RIH, which are largely focused on expansion and improvement to the Emergency Department, and explained background for cost increases to Phase 2. The second presentation related to the Kamloops Cancer Care Centre, including the scope of the project and projected costs at this time.
IHA staff took questions from the Hospital District Board following each of the three presentations.