Celebrate Mental Health Week at your school! May 1-7, 2023
The theme for the 2023 Mental Health Week is stories – we all have mental health – we all have mental health stories – we all need to take care of our mental health.
We all have stories about our mental health – about our everyday feelings, times when we were struggling, or about how we handled it. How do stories help? Sometimes, learning about someone else’s experience can help us feel less alone. Real-life stories can help inspire and motivate us and we can learn from them.
For this mental health week, shine a spotlight on the stories from your school – journeys taken to promote mental health for the whole school, programs or classroom activities, or in-school and community supports. Let your community know what great things are already happening in your school to boost mental health! Share your story using #MyStory and #MentalHealthWeek.
Visit CMHA Mental Health Week for supporting materials.