AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 832 - September 16, 2020 


  • Aviation safety capsule: the carbon monoxide detector
  • Portrait of aviators from Quebec: Louise Gagnon
  • APM Annual General Meeting and training session: Trois-Rivières
  • RVA Stanstead / Weller CTQ2, September 12
  • Aero camping Casey 2020
  • Survey: Foreflight training
  • Your virtual library.
  • 2020 photo competition.

Aviation safety capsule: carbon monoxide detector

The  carbon monoxide detector you have on your plane is a proven passive type indicator that still has its limitations. The most important is the limited life of this indicator. It should be replaced regularly, the life of the detector depending on its manufacturer.

When did you replace yours?

As you can imagine, preventing carbon monoxide poisoning is a business that requires input from both the pilot and the mechanic responsible for maintaining your aircraft. Here is a short video that shows how important it is. It was produced by the Australian Transport Safety Board and explains the probable cause of the crash of a De Havilland Beaver on December 31, 2017 in the Jerusalem Bay near Sydney. Accident in which 6 people were killed. 

Portrait of aviators from Quebec

Louise Gagnon,  Class I Flight Instructor,

Pilot Examiner for Transport Canada,  Authorized Agent and Linguistic Rating Examiner

For the first portrait of Aviatrices du Québec, I was looking for someone who had left an imprint on many pilots. Louise's choice stood out straight away. Who does not know Louise Gagnon?

Louise is so much a part of the Quebec general aviation landscape that it is more like a legend than a living one. After more than 10,000 hours of instruction, after having trained hundreds of pilots, and having tested more than a thousand, it is normal that we leave an indelible mark !

Continue here

Interview by Sophie Dufresne

Photos: Louise Gagnon


Training session: Trois-Rivières, September 13, 2020

The Mauricie Pilots Association (APM) held its annual general meeting last Sunday. Following this meeting, Aviateurs.Québec gave a recency training session in accordance with the requirements of CAR 401.05. Twenty-six (26) pilots were thus able to fulfill their regulatory obligation. We would like to thank the APM and the instructor Nickolas Longato from Cargair for assisting us in organizing and delivering this session.

The general assembly as well as the training were held according to the health standards in force. 

The training session focused on risk management in the approach and landing phase. This module was developed by Transport Canada and is an integral part of the General Aviation Safety Campaign. For more information, here is a link to the Transport Canada site: GASC .

Once on the site, we invite you to complete the survey proposed there. Your participation is important and will contribute to the advancement of aviation safety.

Photos: Michel Chartier

RVA Stanstead / Weller CTQ2, September 12

True to their tradition, the owners of the Weller Farm in Stanstead held their annual RVA last Saturday. With the help of the weather, around thirty planes showed up. A great success.

Thanks to Daniel Villeneuve who allows us to share his photo report with you, click HERE

Aero camping Casey 2020

Despite difficult weather (rain, hail, strong winds, temperature), around a hundred planes and their crew took part in the 8th Casey Aero camping 2020 aerial meeting.

Congratulations to all the volunteers who made it possible to hold this flagship general aviation event in Quebec.

We invite you to visit the event's Facebook page  for lots of photos and videos.

Photos: Célian Genier

Survey: Foreflight training

Are you using Foreflight?

Here is a short survey to canvass your interests in a Foreflight training session that would be scheduled in the near future.

Would you be interested in a training session via videoconference ZOOM on the basic functionalities of Foreflight, such as : configuration of the application, flight planning etc ...

When would you prefer the videoconference session be held ?

Which version of Foreflight do you use ?

Your virtual library, updated  September 16 , 2020

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of some publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

2020 photo competition

2020 photo competition

Congratulations to Benoît Séguin for the winning photo of August!

Benoît won one of the following prizes: a cap or a polo shirt.

The 2020 competition continues!

It's time to submit a photo or two for September.

We are currently accepting photos (aviation related, read regulations) for the September round. We currently have no photos in the bank.

Send your photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before September 30 at 10 p.m.

The winning photos for each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists. 

You can therefore vote for any of your favorite photos throughout 2020 by clicking HERE

The winning photos for 2020 will be determined by an internal jury during the month of January 20121 and in the magazine L'Aviateur. The trophies will be presented at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE

Hangar for rent at Mirajet at Mirabel airport for the period November 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. Click on the image to view the classified ad.



"Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchange between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. "


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.