ON Lobbying - a newsletter

Information & Resources for Lobbyist Registration in Ontario

Issue 12

August 2020

Lobbyists can now select "COVID-19/Pandemic response" as a subject-matter in their registrations.

Are you lobbying the Ontario government about COVID-19, the pandemic response or any other matters related to the pandemic? If so, you need to update the subject matter section of your registration. Lobbyists are required to identify the subject matters of their lobbying activity from a list on the registration form.

We know that due to the pandemic, many entities are approaching government about changing policies, amending regulations, and seeking funding. If you have additional lobbying goals and activities because of the pandemic, your registration must also clearly indicate this in the lobbying activity section of the form.

If your client or employer is asking for government funding, please make sure that this is reflected in the lobbying activity section of your registration(s) under “Grant and/or contribution and/or other financial benefit”.

Not sure how to update your registration? Log in to the system and click on “Change an existing registration (not a renewal)”. Click “Edit” at the bottom of each section you wish to update. When you have updated the information click “Save” and you will be returned to the Preview page. Scroll down to the bottom of that page and click “Submit”. You can also watch step-by-step instructions on changing a registration in this tutorial video.

Pro tip: Statistics on lobbying subject matters are available on our website – just click on the "Statistics" button on the main lobbying page. Last year the top three subject matters selected in active registrations were economic development and trade, health and environment.

Squares with the top three subject-matters listed in active registrations in 2019-2020. Economic development and trade was selected 1,237 times. Health was selected 997 times. Environment was selected 866 times.

Did you know we provide information on lobbying compliance activities in our annual report? This includes a description of our processes, statistics about our compliance reviews and investigations, as well as summaries of those investigations.

For instance, we initiated 251 compliance reviews in 2019-2020. A review is initiated when our Office identifies potential non-compliance with the Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998. The pie chart below provides insight into how those reviews were handled. You can find out more about this process in the report.

Pie chart of breakdown of compliance reviews. Of the 251 initiated reviews, 55 were closed at the initial stage, 160 were resolved through our informal process and 36 were referred fro investigation assessment.


The Office opened 26 investigations in the last fiscal year, and concluded a total of 29 investigations. You can read the summaries of those concluded investigations in the report, which may help ensure you and your company or organization are compliant with the Act.

Read Lobbyist Registration Section of Report

Quick compliance: When the government makes changes to the names of ministries, the ministry and minister’s office targets you selected previously in your registration(s) may no longer be accurate or available. This means that your registration could be missing required information. Take two minutes to review your registration targets to make sure they are accurate.
Want more resources? Go to www.oico.on.ca/home/lobbyists-registration

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