The Federation of Mountain Clubs
of British Columbia



FMCBC 2022 Annual General Meeting - Moved to Zoom

After careful consideration and feedback from FMCBC Club Reps and members, the FMCBC has opted to move to an online Annual General Meeting. 

We invite you to join us virtually on June 25th, 2022 for our AGM. The AGM is open to FMCBC directors, club reps and members. It is a chance to share ideas, build partnerships and help shape the future of both the FMCBC and non-motorized outdoor recreation in BC! 

More details, including the registration form, will be released soon.

Insurance Update

Thank you to FMCBC Insurance Program participants for your renewal information. Our new year of coverage begins June 1, 2022, and your club will receive invoice and insurance certificate updates in June. Here's to an exciting season of safe outdoor recreation and backcountry adventuring!

Mountain Matters

BC Trails Day Returns June 4th, 2022

Join a Trails Day event to celebrate, or start your own Trails Day traditions. Hike a new trail, volunteer to help with trail maintenance, introduce someone to the magic of a hike, donate to an outdoor advocacy group  - like the FMCBC!

Webinar: Effectively Using Social Media to Market Your Trail or Organization

Join American Trails on May 19th to “cut through the noise” of what the social media platforms actually do, who they target, and how to use them effectively.

World No Tobacco Day is May 31, 2022

Learn more about how WHO and public health champions around the world are marking World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) this year by focusing on the many ways in which tobacco threatens the environment we live in.

Howe Sound Crest Trail - North Shore adventures

Check out the AdventureSmart Trail Specific Safety Video - Howe Sound Crest Trail.

Unhappy trails: Hikers harried by new Buntzen Lake parking reservation system

FMCBC Director, Jay MacArthur, weighs in on BC Hydro's plan to manage crowds at popular trail by offering short-duration hiking 'slots'. 

In the News

FMCBC Publications


View the Winter 2021 issue of Cloudburst.

Sign up to receive the next edition by email.

Visit Canada Helps to make a donation to the FMCBC. Donate towards our Member Club Grant Program or help support advocacy to protect and expand
non-motorized recreation in BC. 

The FMCBC is always looking for volunteers. Find out how you can get involved.

The FMCBC is a proud member of:

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