Submit a Nomination for the 2019 Quality Awards!
The nominations for the 2019 Quality Awards are now open! The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, which supports PVN, started the Quality Awards in 2009 to celebrate people and projects that have contributed to improvements in health care across BC.
For the third year, the Council is recognizing a patient, caregiver or family member who helped amplify patient voices in our province's health care system. Nominees for the Leadership in Advancing the Patient Voice award will have assumed a leadership role as they worked to increase patient participation in health care in meaningful ways. Learn more about how to celebrate projects in this and other categories.
Award winners will receive a $2,500 sponsorship to support their projects and share what they have learned. They will be recognized during the awards ceremony at the Council's Health Talks event in February 2019. Our patient partners have won these awards in previous years and we would love to see this continue! Read more about their winning work here.
If you would like to make a nomination for any of the categories, send in your form by July 15. We are excited to start reading your submissions!