IRES News: November 16th, 2020

IRES News & Events



By order and direction of the Provincial Health Officer, all individuals, places of work and businesses within the Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health regions must significantly reduce social interactions. The order is in effect from November 7, 2020 at 10:00 pm to November 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm.

Read the Full Announcement

We recognize that the pandemic is a huge stressor for all of us! Please make use of free virtual resources that could help you and your loved ones cope with the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: CMHA’s BounceBack, Wellness Together Canada, and WellCan.


November 17, 2020: Infrastructure Resilience Under Climate Uncertainty

Join Dr. Costa Samaras in a discussion about how infrastructure managers, engineers, researchers, and policymakers can manage uncertainty and ensure climate-safe infrastructure systems for the 21st century and beyond.

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November 19, 2020: IRES Faculty Seminar with Felix Pretis

Dr. Felix Pretis will be discussing an empirically-derived climate damage function allowing for the potential impact of climate extremes and accounting for possible adaptation pathways.

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November 26, 2020: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Cicely Blain

Cicely Blain will be conducting workships that delve into diversity and inclusion.

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Job Opportunities

Graduate Student Opportunities

UBC Library Research Commons Newsletter

Check out the latest UBC Library Research Commons Newsletter for events, workshops, and more!

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CANSEE2021 Call for Presentations: Pathways for Inclusive and Sustainable Recoveries

This conference uses an ecological economics lens to engage with these various actors to inform workable, effective, and inclusive public policy solutions that address the ecological challenges our society faces. Presenters are encouraged to discuss transformative policies that address social and ecological inequalities across regions and between generations.

Deadline: January 8, 2021 

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SEEDS Sustainability Projects Coordinator

The Seeds Sustainability Program is looking for a current student enrolled in a Masters or PhD Program for the position of Projects Coordinator. Responsibilities include developing and coordinating applied student-led sustainability research and interdisciplinary partnerships to advance UBC’s operational sustainability and wellbeing commitments.

Deadline: November 19, 2020

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Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship Program will help shape researchers into engaged leaders who are conscious of the impact of their research, connected to the realities of the communities in which they work, and open to non-conventional forms of knowledge. The Foundation is seeking candidates who are audacious, original, and forward-thinking. Up to 16 doctoral Scholars are selected each year and receive generous funding for their studies.

Deadline: January 5, 2021

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Climate Masters Information Night: Call for Panelists

Shake Up The Establishment is seeking graduate students who are in climate and/or environmentally focused programs to be a part of a “Climate Masters” night on November 23rd at 6PM EST in preparation for undergraduates who are currently seeking opportunities for graduate education.

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REM-658 at SFU: Research Methods and Modeling for Social and Technical Sustainability

Jonn Axsen will be teaching a graduate social science research methods course (REM-658) at SFU this Spring. It is also open to grad students from other universities. This course is designed to be useful for a broad range of REM students (as well as grad students from other applied departments). We cover several methods relating to modeling of social and technical systems, social science surveys, statistics and qualitative methods.

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External Events

Check the IRES website for the most up-to-date information on External Events.

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Recent IRES Publications

Recent publications by IRES' core faculty members.

Agricultural diversification promotes multiple ecosystem services without compromising yield
G Tamburini, R Bommarco, TC Wanger, C Kremen, MGA van der Heijden, M Liebman, S Hallin
Science Advances, 6(45), eaba1715

Compensating Indigenous social and cultural losses: a community-based multiple-attribute approach
R Gregory, P Halteman, N Kaechele, J Kotaska, T Satterfield
Ecology and Society, 25(4):4

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