March is Nutrition Month: Building a healthier future
Nutrition Month is a great opportunity to help students build a healthier future by celebrating and exploring the many wonderful things about food! Nutrition is not just for the health and physical education curriculum; growing, cooking, tasting, and food systems can be incorporated into science, math, and many other subjects.
Food neutrality
A food neutral approach can reduce the risk of unintended harms when teaching and talking about food. Food neutrality means removing judgement from food, not categorizing food (“healthy” vs. ”unhealthy”) and recognizing the value of all foods.
Want to learn more about food neutrality? Presentations for school staff and parents/caregivers are available upon request. Contact your school nurse or health promoter or email for more information.
A positive school food environment
All school staff can contribute to a positive school food environment by:
- Using a food neutral approach and keeping messages about food positive.
- Focusing on food offered at school and not commenting on what students eat.
- Allowing students to decide whether and how much to eat and the order to eat in.
- Creating opportunities for families to develop food skills and healthy behaviours, like eating together and cooking more often.
The Great Big Crunch