Dear Residents,
I often sign off my monthly letters to you with a 'stay safe and stay well', but this month, I am opening with that thought as this eNewsletter is full of ways in which each of us can stay well by taking a lead role and interest in our own personal health. You will find information on how Nova Scotia is expanding access to electronic health records. There is also information on the draft recommendations for breast cancer screening for women at average risk or at moderately increased risk.
Kudos to Nova Scotia's Dr. Kevin Spencer for inventing and seeing the need for the 'Ring Rescue Kit' to solve the stuck ring problem. The compression device helps professionals remove rings from swollen fingers without having to cut or damage it by using an air-pressure-filled cuff to temporarily shrink the swollen finger, allowing the ring to slip off.
It's innovative solutions like these that will assist us in advocating for our own well being which is critical. I am currently reading Mary Jane Hampton's book, 'Health Hacks - How You Can Get Good Health Care in Nova Scotia'. This book is good resource to have on hand and be informed on how best to navigate our healthcare system in addition to innovative solutions.
With regard to staying safe, you may wish to take a moment to participate in an anonymous survey as part of a review of policing services in Nova Scotia. More information with the survey link may be found in the body of this eNewsletter.
Happy Summer, everyone!
And as always, stay safe and stay well.