Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Online Bulletin for Health Care Providers

June 11, 2021

Dr. Piotr Oglaza
Medical Officer of Health
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

COVID-19 Vaccine News & Updates

Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination

Ontario residents are now able to access proof of their COVID-19 vaccination online by logging into the provincial portal at Ontario.ca. Residents can access a PDF copy of their vaccination receipt for both their first and second shots by logging in to “book a vaccine” with their health card information and an option will appear that says “Vaccination receipts: Download and view receipts for your COVID-19 vaccinations.”

Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program

The Public Health Agency of Canada has officially launched the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP). The VISP is being administered independently by RCGT Consulting. For more information on eligibility, the claims assessment process and how individuals can apply, please visit RCGT’s website at vaccineinjurysupport.ca.

Current AEFI reporting procedures remain in place for all adverse reactions to immunization.

Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose Updates

  • For those who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for their first dose - In a memorandum to Health Care Providers on June 8, 2021, Ontario’s CMOH, Dr. Williams stated “While it continues to be preferable to provide the same vaccine product to complete an mRNA vaccine series; if there is operational or logistic necessity, including the availability of vaccine products, a ‘mixed mRNA model’ is acceptable. This is consistent with recommendations recently provided by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and the practices of many jurisdictions. Provision of a second dose of vaccine should not be significantly delayed in order to complete a vaccine series using the same mRNA product, unless clinically indicated.”
  • For those who received AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD for their first dose - The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, has provided updated guidance for individuals who received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and who have not yet received their second dose, to allow for the mixing of COVID-19 vaccines if desired. This decision is in alignment with updated guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendation.

Second COVID-19 Doses for Health Care Workers (HCW) Immunized at Quinte Health Care (QHC)

On June 2, 2021, QHC released an article providing direction for HCW who received their first dose at the hospital-based clinic earlier this year.

Myocarditis & Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Given recent international reports relating to myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has prepared a communique to health practitioners. COVID-19 vaccines continue to be recommended. Follow-up on these cases is ongoing. No clear association has been established between myocarditis/pericarditis and mRNA vaccines, and to date, no regulatory action has been taken in Canada or internationally. To report an Adverse Event Following Immunization in Ontario, please complete the Ontario AEFI reporting form and fax to HPEPH at 613-966-1813, or email to CDCFax1@hpeph.ca.

COVID-19 News, Resources & Guidance Document Updates

Directive #3 for Long-term Care and Retirement Homes Update

On June 4, 2021, the Directive #3 for Long-Term Care Homes under the Long Term Care Homes Act, 2007 was updated. Summary of changes to Directive #3:

  • Daily symptom screening – Retirement Home residents require at minimum once daily symptom screening. Long-Term Care home residents are still required to be screened at least twice daily including temperature checks. This reflects the differences between the two sectors in terms of both the overall health status of the residents as well as the type of setting.

  • Physical distancing – brief physical contact (i.e., hugs) are now permitted between all residents and their essential caregiver(s) and/or general visitor(s) regardless of immunization status.

  • Eye protection – fully immunized essential caregivers are exempt from eye protection requirements as per MLTC and MSAA policies.

  • Absences - Homes may gradually resume social and temporary absences. In LTCHs, fully immunized residents may now go on both types of absences. In RHs, irrespective of immunization status, social absences and temporary absences are permitted in Stage 1 of the Roadmap to Reopen. All residents returning from temporary absences must undergo testing and isolation, where applicable, as per requirements under the Admissions & Transfers section of Directive 3.

  • Visitors - Homes may gradually resume visits by general visitors. Outdoor visits are strongly encouraged over indoor visits. Please see MLTC/MSAA policy documents for maximum number of visitors permitted at any one time.

Updated COVID-19 Resources & Guidance Documents

The following documents have been updated and are available on the Ministry of Health website:

Professional Development Opportunity

Pharmacology & Alcohol Use Disorder Professional Development

“Join us for this educational session on alcohol use disorder, what it is and how to medically approach treatment, presented by one of our experienced psychiatrists based at EHN Sandstone in Calgary, AB.”

June 17, 2021 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EDT, Online, Cost: Free.

For more information including learning objectives, presenter bios, and how to register: please visit eenetconnect.ca/event/ehn-canada-webinar-pharmacology-of-alcohol-use-disorder

HPEPH is offering services by appointment only. We remain dedicated to protecting our community by providing local HCPs and community members with new information as it becomes available. Current information on COVID-19 specifically for health care providers can be found at hpePublicHealth.ca, Ontario Ministry of Health and at publichealthontario.ca.

Contact Information: 

To give us your comments: hart.sara@hpeph.ca

To report communicable diseases:613-966-5500 x349

To report AEFI or DOPHS: Online / Fax: 613-966-1813 or CDCFAX1@hpeph.ca

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