IRSST - Bulletin de veille
IRSST - Bulletin de veille

16 septembre 2024

Veille Réadaptation, retour et maintien au travail



Farrants, K. et Alexanderson, K. (2024). Sickness absence after work accidents and post-traumatic stress among white-collar workers in the retail and wholesale industry; a longitudinal Swedish cohort study. BMC Public Health, 24(1).

Hoff, A., Bojesen, A. B. et Eplov, L. F. (2024). The Danish Ibbis Trials for sickness absentees with common mental disorders: A phase 4 prospective study comparing randomized trial and real-world data. International Journal of Integrated Care, 24.

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Jakobsen, M. D., Vinstrup, J. et Andersen, L. L. (2024). Work-related fear-avoidance beliefs and risk of low-back pain: Prospective cohort study among healthcare workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

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Réadaptation professionnelle

Egeonu, D., Jia, B., Omidokun, J. et Yang, L. (2024). Biomechanical assessment of exoskeleton intervention for injured and recovering workers: A simulation study of bending tasks. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Gignac, M. A. M., Bowring, J., Navaratnerajah, L., Saunders, R., Jetha, A., Thompson, A., . . . Smith, P. M. (2024). The Job Demands and Accommodation Planning Tool (JDAPT): A nine-month evaluation of use, changes in self-efficacy, presenteeism, and absenteeism in workers with chronic and episodic disabilities. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

Lettinga, H. A. M., van Oostrom, S. H., Zijlstra, H. P., Anema, J. R. et Proper, K. I. (2024). RESTART: A stepped-care approach to facilitate return to work for employees with psychological distress: Design of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 24(1).

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Retour au travail

Boutry, C., Patel, P., Holmes, J., Radford, K., Bolton, C. E., Evangelou, N., . . . Morriss, R. (2024). Returning to work with long covid in the UK during lockdown and other COVID-19 restrictions: A qualitative study. PLoS One, 19(8).

Negrini, A., Perron, J., Masse, S. V., Giguère, C.-É., Gragnano, A. et Corbière, M. (2024). Analyse longitudinale et comparative des absences et des départs hâtifs dans un milieu d’éducation au Québec : une étude exploratoire (Rapport no R-1198-fr). IRSST.

Vendelbosch, R., Roelen, C., Almansa, J., Bültmann, U. et Arends, I. (2024). Do return-to-work trajectories differ by mental disorder diagnosis? A register study among 37 523 Dutch workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health.

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Syndrome post-COVID-19

Boutry, C., Patel, P., Holmes, J., Radford, K., Bolton, C. E., Evangelou, N., . . . Morriss, R. (2024). Returning to work with long covid in the UK during lockdown and other COVID-19 restrictions: A qualitative study. PLoS One, 19(8).

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L'information à votre portée

Le Centre de documentation de l’IRSST effectue une veille systématique sur la réadaptation, le retour et le maintien au travail. Le bulletin recense les publications scientifiques en lien avec les différents aspects de la réparation des accidents et des maladies du travail, la réadaptation professionnelle et le maintien en emploi.

Membres de la cellule de veille :

  • Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique
  • Samuel Hébert, technicien en documentation
  • Christian Larivière, chercheur


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Le Bulletin de veille est une production du Centre de documentation de l'IRSST

Maryse Gagnon, conseillère en veille et en information scientifique

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