We’ve updated our billing guide! Get your copy of the guide here.
Update from GPSC: As of January 1, 2021, family physicians who have a focused practice in long-term care facilities and who are NOT working as a CLFP (as defined in the GPSC Preamble) in a community-based physician office or clinic will NOT be eligible to submit 14070 or 14071.
As a result of fee rule changes to the CLFP Portal (14070, 14071), family physicians who are no longer eligible for the CLFP Portal but work in long-term care facilities will be granted access to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Portal (14072). The LTC Portal (14072) will grant access to family physicians working in long-term care setting to the following fee codes:
- 14076 Family Physician Patient Telephone Management Fee
- 14077 Family Physician Conference with Allied Care Provider and/or physician
- 14078 Family Physician Email/Text/Telephone Medical Advice Relay Fee
- 14050, 14051, 14052, 14053 Chronic Disease Management Fees
Update: Due to implementation delays resulting from COVID-19, the new LTC Portal is expected to be available by March 2021. Family physicians who are eligible for the LTC Portal should hold their billings of 14050-53 and 14076-78 and submit these billings retroactively once the LTC Portal is available in March 2021. An MSP broadcast message will be sent to physicians with further details. More here:
LTCI Billing Consultant suggestion - continue to bill your GPSC codes as usual January-March. They will be rejected and accumulate in your 'rejected' folder or area of EMR. Once 14072 is submitted and accepted - you can batch resubmit all of those rejected GPSC codes.