As 2020 draws to a close, the LTCI team would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday! The tenacity, dedication, and teamwork we’ve witnessed amongst the uncertainty of 2020 has been nothing short of amazing. We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2021!


The results are in for our 2020 LTCI COVID-19 Response Evaluation! This year we focused on activities undertaken by the LTCI to support LTC physicians and care homes to maintain best-practice expectations and system-level outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A big thank you to all who participated by sharing your feedback and ideas. See our two-page summary report here.


Early on in the pandemic, The Kiwanis Pavilion, a local long-term care home, launched a daily newsletter called The Short and Sweet. Their intention was to send regular updates to families, hoping to reassure them that despite the pandemic, life was “chugging along with love and care”. This endeavor has evolved into a thriving community paper with submissions from residents, families, and staff. All editions are available on their website at www.kiwanispavilion.ca/programs/family-bulletin/ Read the full article here.


We’ve updated our billing guide! Get your copy of the guide here.

Update from GPSC: As of January 1, 2021, family physicians who have a focused practice in long-term care facilities and who are NOT working as a CLFP (as defined in the GPSC Preamble) in a community-based physician office or clinic will NOT be eligible to submit 14070 or 14071.

As a result of fee rule changes to the CLFP Portal (14070, 14071), family physicians who are no longer eligible for the CLFP Portal but work in long-term care facilities will be granted access to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Portal (14072). The LTC Portal (14072) will grant access to family physicians working in long-term care setting to the following fee codes:

  • 14076 Family Physician Patient Telephone Management Fee
  • 14077 Family Physician Conference with Allied Care Provider and/or physician
  • 14078 Family Physician Email/Text/Telephone Medical Advice Relay Fee
  • 14050, 14051, 14052, 14053 Chronic Disease Management Fees

Update: Due to implementation delays resulting from COVID-19, the new LTC Portal is expected to be available by March 2021. Family physicians who are eligible for the LTC Portal should hold their billings of 14050-53 and 14076-78 and submit these billings retroactively once the LTC Portal is available in March 2021. An MSP broadcast message will be sent to physicians with further details. More here: https://gpscbc.ca/news/news/new-billing-rules-14070-and-14071-effective-january-1-2021

LTCI Billing Consultant suggestion - continue to bill your GPSC codes as usual January-March. They will be rejected and accumulate in your 'rejected' folder or area of EMR. Once 14072 is submitted and accepted - you can batch resubmit all of those rejected GPSC codes.


New After-Hours & Daytime SBARs with Updated Screening: Please ensure you have the most up to date (v.10) of the SBAR forms. Send in a picture of your team recycling/replacing the old forms and be entered to win a $100 gift card for Yonni’s donuts! Send your pictures to VictoriaSouthIsland.LTCI@divisionsbc.ca. The forms are available on our website here.

Did you know The LTCI has a COVID-19 resource page? Have any great resources you'd like to share with your LTC colleagues? Let us know!

Have you seen the Island Health's Long-Term Care System Simulation Infographic poster?

Access CFHI’s slide deck for their Webinar Series: Next Steps in COVID-19 Response in Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes here

Canadian Society for Long-Term Care Medicine has launched a website with members only resources. See more here:

Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Psyhological PPE: Promote health care workforce mental health and well-being. Find the tool here.


The Medical Director of Long-Term Care Dr. Margaret Manville released a non-outbreak COVID-19  FAQ memo. You can read it here.