Town News
On September 13, 2022, the Town's Director of Planning and Development Services will present a staff report at Committee of the Whole detailing the Community Improvement Plan along with guidelines to implement and fund eligible projects in 2023. The report recommends expanding the eligible programming to include the Property Enhancement and Improvement Program, which would facilitate the enhancement of the public realm through improvements to private property such as landscaping, bicycle parking, permanent outdoor eating areas and other, similar considerations. More information can be found on the Community Improvement Plan webpage.
The Official Plan Review Steering Committee recently held a Public Open House and a Public Meeting regarding proposed amendments to the Official Plan.
Known as 'The Blue Print,' the Official Plan Review will set the vision and direction that shapes the Town's growth, development, and protection to 2046. A recording of the presentation delivered at the Public Open House is available on the project webpage, as well as a recording of the Public Meeting.
Those interested can still provide feedback to the Official Plan Steering Committee before the changes are officially adopted by Council. Learn more about the Official Plan Review on the project webpage.
The Town of The Blue Mountains Fire Department will be conducting fire inspections throughout the municipality.
These inspections will typically take place in the morning during standard business hours and will last between fifteen minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the building or unit. Inspectors will check for maintenance related to fire safety equipment as well as clear access to exits and any storage concerns. The Fire Department will coordinate with local businesses to ensure the inspection can be completed with no interruption to operations.
Employees will not be required to accompany the inspector during the visit; however, a few minutes with the business owner/employee to explain any immediate concerns would be appreciated. To learn more about fire safety and inspections, click here.