Lactanet Canada

Dairy Knowledge

- Genetics Edition -

August 2024


Join us in commemorating 15 years of genomics in the Canadian dairy industry! In this edition, we’ll spotlight key trends, along with other exciting genetic updates. Dive in and celebrate with us!


15 Years of Genomics

The August 2024 genetic evaluation release marked 15 years of genomics in Canada. Let’s look through the trends to see how genomics has revolutionized the dairy landscape.

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Open Industry Session

Mark your calendar for the next OIS on October 7, 2024! We will present the latest genetic updates and projects, including the modernized LPI launching April 2025.

Don't miss out!

Crampy Update

In 2021, Lactanet conducted a Crampy data collection blitz to explore the potential for a genomic evaluation. Thanks to participating dairy farmers, we can now provide a project update as we work to develop mitigation tools.

Discover more


Genetic Evaluations & DairyComp

With the integration of Canadian genetic and genomic evaluations into the DairyComp system, users can view the most accurate genetic data simultaneously with other herd data. This exciting feature can help you:

  1. More effectively rank animals for a better semen selection strategy
  2. Prioritize animals for culling decisions
  3. Compare actual performance to the genetic makeup of the herd

Contact the DairyComp support team at 1-800-549-4373 ext 5295 to get set up today!

Learn more

The Inbreeding Calculator

The Inbreeding Calculator has been a cornerstone of the CDN/Lactanet websites for over 25 years, providing users with pedigree-based inbreeding levels and Parent Averages for various matings.

In April 2024, we enhanced this tool with a new feature to help manage the spread of known undesirable genes.

Check out our tips & tricks and this latest feature to master the Inbreeding Calculator!


Visit Compass, a free interactive guide to genetics and profitability. 
In partnership with Holstein Canada.

Lactanet Canada

For the most recent genetic evaluations, visit