September 2022 GuildMeeting Reminder
Meeting Date: Monday, September 19th, 2022
Doors Open: 6:30PM for mixing
Meeting: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Unitarian Church
949 West 49th Ave, Vancouver
Zoom Meeting for watching will open around 6:45pm
While the mask mandate has been officially lifted, those that still want to wear a mask are welcome to, but they are not required. We will still not be sharing food at break.
For the September meeting we are pleased to welcome Sonya Oblak as our guest speaker.
Sonya has been quilting since 1998 but thrifting longer than that. She is a member of the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild but will be joining us from Spirit Lake in the Yukon. She was retired and is now semi-retired. Sonya is dedicated to sustainable quilting through the use of thrifted, gifted and free fabrics.
You can check Sonya out before the meeting on Instagram here