Over 1,200 people will attend Quality Forum 2020: Shaping Success Together in Vancouver from February 25 – 27. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your work in improving quality of care with passionate improvement leaders from across Canada.
Submitting an abstract is pretty straightforward, and both patient and health care partners are invited to participate! Just follow this simple process to define your project and prepare your submission:
Step 1: Choose Your Project
You can submit abstracts on any topic related to providing better care for patients, fostering a high-quality health system or creating better environments for those working within it. Projects can be ideas or works in progress, and they don’t have to be considered successful – failures provide valuable learning opportunities, too!
Step 2: Outcomes or Ideas?
Let us know which category your project belongs to:
Outcomes: Projects underway or complete with demonstrated results and lessons that can be shared with participants.
Ideas: Original thinking, promising practices or emerging ways to improve care that are too young to have results. You can seek input, inspire collaboration and spark action at an early stage.
Step 3: Rapid Fire or Storyboard?
Choose whether you’d like to deliver an oral rapid fire presentation and/or display a poster storyboard. You can select both options if you’d like your abstract to be considered for either format!
Rapid fire presentation: Share your work in a 10-minute presentation, followed by an eight-minute Q&A period, during which you’re welcome to ask the audience questions for discussion as well.
Storyboard: Display a 44" by 44" poster during the Forum. Network with other participants and receive feedback during the storyboard reception on February 26.
Step 4: Hit Submit!
Put together your abstract, following the submission guidelines, and submit it through the link below by Friday, September 6!
Submit an abstract