News & Updates
The Bishop's Office would like to announce that:
The Diocese of Ottawa has a new editor for CrossTalk newspaper, beginning with the April 2019 issue. Leigh Anne Williams. Ms Williams is a skilled reporter, writer, and editor with many years experience working for the Toronto Star, Publishers Weekly, the Globe and Mail and other publications. She was a staff writer for the Anglican Journal from 2008 to 2015. Leigh Anne brings with her journalistic skills deep interests in global and Canadian politics, indigenous, environmental and social justice issues.
Communications restructuring
The website, social media and other publications of the Diocese are being revised and restructured between now and July, 2019. Their in-box is:
Easter advertising campaign, deadline for orders March 15
Once again, the Diocese will arrange and subsidize paid advertisements informing readers of the times and locations of Holy Week services and Easter special events. Ads will be placed in the Ottawa Citizen, community newspapers and any other regional papers requested by parishes choosing to participate in this paid advertising program. These high profile display advertisements will appear in Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday papers in advance of Palm Sunday.
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer seeks a treasurer
The Canadian Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP) is looking for someone with some bookkeeping experience to step into the role of treasurer. Like all members of AFP, this is a volunteer position and a job description is available for any who would like to see it. Those interested can contact Paul Dumbrille ( or Rev. Val Kenyon, the AFP Chair, or call 519-854-9998.
Online theological education for church members
The Ontario Provincial Commission on Theological Education (OPCOTE) has commissioned a five-part video series to provoke theological questions and discussion. Four of them will roll out at the Ask Bigger Questions website this winter, and Diocese of Ottawa churchgoers are invited to participate in the online launch event and then host “Lunch and Learn” sessions to view and discuss the videos, using a Study Guide 2019
Clergy Cottages
Reservations are now being received for summer 2019 at the Church Camp on Lake Simcoe, where 2- and 3-bedroom cottages are rented only to Anglican clergy.