Building Penticton 🔨

This is your chance to catch up on updates and changes to Building Department practices and processes. Please feel free to continue the discussion with us at or 250-490-2571.


Fall Changes

Happy Fall! As we head into a new season, we as a building industry are faced with many ongoing challengings as well as new items, such as anticipating the new BC Building Code in December.

According to a statement, "Eliminating barriers is one of the main drivers behind the proposed changes, said Susie Chant, parliamentary secretary for Accessibility. "That is why we are updating the standards in our building code to support everyone in their day-to-day activities,” she said.".

Online Permits ☁️

The City is moving permits to the Cloud! Online building permits for new simple projects will be available this summer. Currently new residential builds - SFD, Duplex, Carriage house and townhomes are live. More permits are in the works.

See our online guide when you're ready to apply as there are some important guidelines to review under "Prepare Drawings and Documents" section.

Online Guide

Webinar Wednesdays

Join us for a digital workshop to learn more about CloudPermit and how to use this tool for your next project.  This is also an opportunity for industry partners to voice comments, or ask questions on Building Code and related Building Permit matters.   

When:  Wed, Sept 27 @ 11:15 am

When: Wed,  Oct 11 @ 11:15 am

Registration for Sept 27


Registration for Oct 11

Better through Design workshop

Oct 26 - 9am to 1pm 

Please join us for our "Better through Design" workshop which will be hosted at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre. This interactive session will walk through the various Code and City regulations.  With a focus on low density and small commercial projects and how to improve consistency and efficiency throughout.

This workshop will be eligible for 3 CPD points to builders and will also be streamed via Zoom. 

Registration information will follow the first week of October. If you have any questions, use the button below to email.

Workshop Inquiry


Geotechnical Mapping Updates

The City has been re-vamping its geotechnical mapping information to to better align with industry standards.  The mapping updates should provide more clarity to professionals and improve City process.

More information will be shared at the October 26th "Better through Design" workshop.

Expired Permits

Over the next few months staff will be reviewing active permits that are near to, or at permit expiry. You may be contacted, as the Owner or Agent of these projects. In the meantine, we request that you review your permit condition letter to see if you have any upcoming expired permits and reach out to your Building Official for closure or extension.

Permit Statistics 

We've added a snapshot with a graph of our residential permit statistics from January to August, 2023.  

For specific information regarding issued permits, please visit our Building department webpage at Building Reports or through Property Inquiries

Permit Stats

Education Opportunities

Education and Workshop opportunities are posted on our "Building Updates" page

Building Updates

Have questions?  We're here to help.

Please contact the Building department at 250-490-2571 or email with any questions.


The City of Penticton prepared this bulletin as a service to members of the construction industry. These bulletins will be issued as required to highlight news and developments relevant to the industry in Penticton. Questions about this bulletin or building in Penticton can be directed to