Mayor's Message

On behalf of King Township Council, welcome to a special edition of the King Bulletin.
When we recently completed our first-ever citizen survey, we weren’t too surprised by the percentage of residents who say they enjoy living in King.
Ninety-five per cent of citizens say the quality of life in the Township of King is good to very good and nine in 10 say King is safe and a great place to raise a family. This reflects what Council hears when we’re out in the community.
We were also pleased with how our citizens feel about the services we provide—80 per cent of citizens are satisfied with the overall quality of municipal services and 82 per cent expressed satisfaction with the level of service received.
These are great numbers!
That being said, 17 per cent of respondents told us that municipal governance, taxation and user fees were the issues that concerned them the most.
As a result, King continues to have one of the lowest average tax increases of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) municipalities. The average increase for the Township portion of municipal tax is now 2.10 per cent for the period between 2019 to 2023.
The Township tax base is made of 95 per cent residential and five per cent per cent non-residential. The more the Township can grow its non-residential tax base, the more it will help the overall tax burden for all proprieties. Non-residential properties do not utilize all the services that residents use but pay the same share. Increasing the tax base with more non-residential assessment helps spread any increased costs and reduce the impact to all properties.
One of the concerns from the citizen survey was, ‘where do my tax dollars go?’ which is why this special edition of the Bulletin was created.
Below you will see several infographics that explain how we collect tax dollars and how we spend them. For example, the Township collects taxes on behalf of the York Region and the school boards of which only 39 per cent is kept by the Township to provide all the services residents enjoy each year.
As part of the 2023 municipal budget, some major projects are being funded which are listed in the Bulletin for your information.
We’ve also included a summary of our recently completed Corporate Strategic Plan for the years 2019-2022. It shows that we’re strategic in how we spend the tax dollars we collect.
I hope the information is helpful. If you have any questions regarding taxes and services in King, please see
Please continue to stay safe, volunteer and shop locally as much as you can.
Mayor Steve Pellegrini