Cette veille scientifique de l’INESSS a comme objectif de nourrir la réflexion sur l’impact environnemental des systèmes de santé et sur les considérations environnementales en évaluation des technologies en santé (ETS). Chaque bulletin présente une sélection de publications, issues des littératures scientifique et grise, organisée en trois axes :


PubMed, base de données HealthcareLCA, sites Web d’organisations en évaluation des technologies de la santé et d’associations pour la santé environnementale (dernière mise à jour : 2023-10-23).

Environmental sustainability in health technology assessment (HTA)
York Health Economics Consortium - Webinars (septembre 2023)

NICE Listens project on environmental sustainability and linked NICE work ⭐⭐⭐
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (mai 2023)


Identifying environmental impact factors for sustainable healthcare: A scoping review
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (septembre 2023)

Image : Healthcare Environmental Impact Factor Scheme (HEIF-Scheme) - environmental impact factors per impact category, grouped by measurement units

Source : Sijm-Eeken et al., 2023


Climate change and sustainability roadmap 2023-2028
Interior Health – B.C. (octobre 2023)

Green office toolkit for clinicians and office managers
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (mai 2023)

"Green informed consent" in the classroom, clinic, and consultation room
Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy (août 2023)


Health system decarbonization on obstetric and newborn units
Seminars in Perinatology (octobre 2023)

Guidelines for reducing the environmental impact of general anaesthesia ⭐⭐⭐
Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine (octobre 2023)

Improving environmental sustainability of intensive care units: A mini-review
World Journal of Critical Care Medicine (septembre 2023)

Ecological burden of modern surgery: An analysis of total knee replacement's life cycle
Arthroplasty Today (septembre 2023)

Image : Carbon footprint by category (in percentages)

Source : Delaie et al., 2023


The carbon cost of inappropriate endoscopy
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (septembre 2023)

A review of the applicability of current green practices in healthcare facilities
International Journal of Health Policy and Management (juin 2023)

The environmental impact of radiation oncology: The "footprint" of external beam radiation therapy
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (octobre 2023)

Cradle-to-grave emission reduction for Easyhaler dry powder inhaler product portfolio
Pulmonary Therapy (septembre 2023)

Image : Flow chart of the Easyhaler life cycle analysis

Source : Inget et al., 2023

Reductions in inhaler greenhouse gas emissions by addressing care gaps in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: An analysis
BMJ Open Respiratory Research (septembre 2023)

Image : An in-office conversation aid to support patients with mild asthma in choosing their rescue inhaler

Source : Gagné et al., 2023

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