Notice of Public Meeting: October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Hybrid Format In-Person AND Virtual/Online
Town Hall, Council Chambers
32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
Proposed Renaming of the Craigleith Depot
At the July 10, 2023 Council meeting, Council received a formal request from The Blue Mountains
Public Library to rename the Craigleith Depot to the “Craigleith Station”. At the August 28, 2023 Council meeting, Council directed staff to schedule a Public Meeting on October 31, 2023 to receive comments regarding the potential renaming of the Craigleith Depot. Staff will provide a follow up staff report to the
November 27, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting that will summarize the public comments received and provide recommendations for Council to consider at the December 11, 2023 Council meeting.
The details of the request are outlined in Staff Report FAF.23.129, which is available from the Town’s website.
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Application for Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision
Property Location: Plan 16M8 Part of Block 1
The proposal involves the development of a Draft Plan of Subdivision to create 58 residential lots, 2 parks, and 2 servicing blocks. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would rezone the subject property from
Development ‘D’ zone to Residential One ‘R1-3-XX’, Residential Two ‘R2-XX’, and Open Space ‘OS’ to permit 45 single detached dwellings and 13 rowhouses. The dwellings are proposed to connect to municipal water and wastewater services. The proposal includes the extension of West Ridge Drive, the construction of a new road, and multiple links to the Georgian Trail. The subject property is currently vacant.
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Application for Zoning By-law Amendment
Property Location: 107 Martin Grove (Plan 950 Lot 54)
The proposal is to create an exception in Zoning By-law 2018-65, as amended, to permit the use of the existing single detached dwelling as a Bed and Breakfast. The subject lands are currently zoned Residential One ‘R1-1’. The existing dwelling contains 4 bedrooms, 3 of which will be used as guest rooms and the remaining one by the owner. This proposal is also subject to Site Plan Control. The effect of the application is to rezone the portion of the subject lands zoned Residential one ‘R1-1’ to Residential One ‘R1-1-9’ zone.
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