VOLUME 9 No. 15 | OCTOBER 10, 2019

évasion et évitement finaux

Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is not!

In Canada, corporations can use existing laws (or lack of laws) to reduce their declared revenue and profits in order to pay as little taxes as possible. As part of its involvement in the anti-tax-haven collective, Échec aux paradis fiscaux, the APTS is proposing solutions like revising tax laws and imposing penalties to deter those who are determined to avoid paying taxes.

New social security resource person

This past summer, the social security sector added a social security technician. In addition to providing support to co-ordinators, this person offers first-line services and support to address employees’ questions concerning the SSQ group insurance plan and the RREGOP pension plan.

The new resource person is also in charge of making pension estimates for members. She can be reached at retraite@aptsq.com.

Reimbursement of your child's eyeglasses by the RAMQ

Since September 1, 2019, the RAMQ has been reimbursing the cost of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses for children under the age of 18.

Under the Québec government’s See Better to Succeed financial assistance program, the RAMQ reimburses a fixed amount of $250 every two years for eyeglasses and contact lenses purchased from a Québec retailer. Eye examinations are covered by Medicare.

To receive the reimbursement, you must fill out an online form within 12 months of the purchase. Some restrictions apply. Visit the RAMQ’s website for more information.


Worldwide demonstration for climate change

Half a million people marched in the streets of Montréal! Thousands more marched in other cities across Québec. Hundreds of demonstrations were held in workplaces and in schools. The massive turnout on September 27, 2019 will go down in history.

The APTS answered Greta Thunberg’s call for action. The Swedish teen was in Montréal to attend the event. The APTS and 8 other unions formed the collective La Planète s’invite au travail, which played a direct role in organizing a number of demonstrations.

Our union would like to thank all participants and organizers for making this day a turning point in the fight against climate change.

Rally in front of the National Assembly

After a summer campaign during which APTS youth workers and provincial representatives visited 65 MNAs and 13 political advisers at their constituency offices to make them aware of the situation in youth centres, it was time to close the Tutu seeks foster MNA campaign.

On October 1, the APTS invited all MNAs concerned to bring their stuffed animal to the National Assembly. Close to 40 youth workers were on hand in front of the Parliament Building to distribute stuffed animals to MNAs who had yet to receive theirs. Frantz Benjamin was the only MNA to come and pick up his stuffed animal. Six representatives from the Parti québécois and two from Québec Solidaire came to meet the youth workers. The Coalition Avenir Québec was conspicuously absent.