Welcome to our March newsletter đź‘‹

What’s inside:

  • English Paper Piecing workshop
  • March meeting details
  • Covenant House reminder
  • Block Lotto instructions
  • WIPs are back!!!
  • How to share your photos
  • Permission to share
  • Members’ directory
  • Upcoming events

Beginner English Paper Piecing workshop

Date: April 30, 2023
Presenter: Erin Grogan
Location: Zoom
Cost: $40

In this 3 hour workshop we will dive into all the fun that’s English Paper Piecing! Erin will share some of the history behind EPP. Participants will learn two different stitches and Erin’s favourite knot to use for EPP. Discussion will include how to elevate your EPP with fussy cutting and Erin’s EPP tricks along the way. 
Supply list to follow.

 Register here 


March meeting 

’s guild meeting will be held in person on Monday, March 20 at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver, 949 W. 49th Ave. Doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting will begin at 7:00pm.

Our activity this month is Circuit Training—not the gym kind! We’ll set up 3-4 demo stations where guild members will share a tip or skill. If you have something you’d like to share, please send it to president@vancouvermodernquiltguild.ca.  

Don’t forget:

  • blocks for block lotto—December and March
  • snack to share (optional)
  • your own coffee, tea or water
  • quilts for Show and Share
  • Toonies for WIPs, see below...
  • your name tag!

VMQG + Covenant House Vancouver reminder

If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge and skills at Covenant House, please email Megan at president@vancouvermodernquiltguild.ca


March block lotto

March’s block is a transparency block. It’s quick and easy. The hardest part is choosing the fabrics!

Bring these blocks and your December blocks to our March meeting.

 Click here for instructions 


WIPs are back!!!  

Thanks Edna for stepping in to run this always popular program.  

Do you have quilty projects that you’ve started and then tucked away? Do you need an incentive to get your Work In Progress finished?  

Edna will register your WIPs at both the March and April meetings. You’ll have until February, 2024 to complete them. Each completed WIP is an opportunity to win $$$ đź¤‘


  • Projects must have been started prior to March 20, 2023
  • Fee per WIP is $2  
  • You must share a photo of the completed WIP and let Edna know that it’s complete
  • Draw will take place at February, 2024 guild meeting.  

WIP email address is wips@vancouvermodernquiltguild.ca


How to share your photo

We’re going to try something new that we hope will result in sharing better photos of your projects and make it easier and more consistent for the communications team. Shortly after our monthly guild meeting, your photos will be posted to our guild Instagram and Facebook channels. 

For zoom meetings, the photos will be included in a Show and Share slideshow and then posted to IG and FB. If you don’t want your photos shared on social, just let us know in your email.

To ensure your quilt photos are shared on our social channels, please send your pics to photos@vancouvermodernquiltguild.ca by 5pm on Saturday, Mar 18 and include:

  • your name
  • quilt name
  • your Instagram handle
  • any co-maker’s name(s)
  • pattern name/designer
  • and anything else about the quilt that you’d like to share, for example: quilt size, fabric used, and your (brief) inspiration. 

We’ll still have Show and Share when we meet in person, since nothing beats seeing a quilt in real life!


Permission to share  🖥️ đźŚŽđź“±đź’ž

If you
’d like to share your Instagram, website or blog on the VMQG website, please fill out this  form  by March 31st.


Vancouver MQG members’ directory

The VMQG members’ directory is for guild-related use only. It’s ideal for arranging carpooling, borrowing a spool of thread or setting up
a local coffee get together. Do not share it or use it to promote your business or to sell things.  

If you’ve changed your address please let Hillary know at membership@vancouvermodernquiltguild.ca

 VMQG Member Directory here 


Upcoming events

Saturday, March 4. 10AM-1PM

  • Kawandi workshop (registration closed)

Wednesday, March 15. 9AM – 4PM

  • Sew-in at Dragonfly Quilting (details below)

Sunday, April 30. 10AM – 1PM

  • EPP workshop with Erin Grogan of LoveSewModern
  • $40
  • Registration opens March 1

Saturday, June 24. 9AM - 4PM

  • Sew-in at Dragonfly Quilting

Wednesday, August 23. 9AM – 4PM

  • Sew-in at Dragonfly Quilting

Sunday, October 22

  • Transparency quilt workshop with Carolina Oneto
  • Details TBD

Dragonfly Quilt sew-ins

 Sew-in info here  

Click on link below for information about the sew-ins and the registration link.

 Register here