Council Meeting Highlights - November 25th, 2024

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The agenda and live stream of the November 25th meeting is linked below. Official meeting minutes will be available to the public once approved by Council at an upcoming meeting.

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Bylaw Amendments and Bylaw Adoption 

City Council gave first three readings to several bylaw amendments. Here's a synopsis of those amendments. For more detail, check out the meeting agenda at the link above.

The proposed zoning bylaw amendments aim to modernize and clarify zoning regulations and address interpretation issues. A brief overview of the proposed amendments are outlined below:

Zoning Bylaw No. 1850 (Bylaw No. 2773)

  • Amend the definition of ‘Mobile Home’ to include CSA A277 built on a deformation resistant frame;
  • Amend the setback requirements for accessory buildings and structures in the Mobile Home: R-5 zone;
  • Remove redundant language related to retaining wall engineer review; 
  • Add “solar panels on buildings” to the list of structures exempt from height regulations;
  • Allow landscape features less than 0.6m in height to project to property lines;
  • Clarify bicycle parking requirements (note: no change to the number of required spaces is being proposed).

Alpine Resort Zoning Bylaw No. 2016 (Bylaw No. 2774)

  • Amend the definition of ‘Grade’ to mean the average level of finished ground adjoining a building or structure;
  • Add “solar panels on buildings” to the list of structures exempt from height regulations;
  • Allow landscape features less than 0.6m in height and retaining walls to project to property lines;
  • Remove redundant language related to retaining wall engineer review;
  • Clarify bicycle parking requirements (note: no change to the number of required spaces is being proposed).

Building Bylaw No. 2620 (Bylaw No. 2775)

  • General Housekeeping amendments to  reflect changes to the BC Building Code (BCBC), updates to construction standards, and to improve the accuracy of declared construction values on building permit applications. 

Council also gave first three readings to the following bylaws, see the full agenda for details: 

  • Bylaw No 2776, City of Kimberley Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 1462,1982, Amendment No. 28, 2024.
  • Bylaw No. 2777, City of Kimberley Waterworks Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 2148, 2002, Amendment No. 22, 2024.
  • Bylaw No. 2778, 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2761, Amendment No. 1, 2024.

4. Fire Services Bylaw Amendment No. 2772, 2024 for Adoption

The government of British Columbia has implemented new legislation to enhance structural fire safety through an elevated system of inspections and effective enforcement. The legislation was created through collaborations with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), the Fire Chiefs' Association of BC (FCABC), Regional Districts, and other essential fire service partners. Among other requirements, the legislation requires the City to designate personnel to conduct fire inspections and investigations and to enable local fire services to perform tactical evacuations. Council adopted the bylaw amendment to allow those designations as a first step to compliance with the new legislation. The remaining requirements can be found in the full staff report, which is attached to the meeting agenda linked above, and will be heard by Council at future meetings.

Community Project/Events Evaluation Committee Terms of Reference

Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Community Project/Events Evaluation Committee and appointed three Councillors to that committee for a two year term. Community Project/Event Grants aim to support local initiatives that improve the social, cultural, and environmental well-being of Kimberley and its community. The committee, composed of three Council members and two staff, will review grant application, evaluating them based on eligibility, community impact, and alignment with the City’s strategic goals and official plans, ensuring fairness and transparency. The Committee will meet annually to review applications, with the final funding decisions subject to City Council approval. 

The deadline for Project/Event Grant applications is November 30th, 2024 at 4:00 pm. 

RCMP Occupancy Agreement - 2025-2029

Council approved and directed staff to execute the Occupancy Agreement between the City of Kimberley and the RCMP related to the City-owned RCMP Detachment building located at 436 Archibald Street for the period of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2029, with the right to renew for two additional term of five years. 

Other Council Business

1. Council approved the 2025 Council Meeting Calendar as presented by the City's Corporate Officer Maryse Leroux. Meeting dates will be added to the City of Kimberley Meeting Calendar on our website at 

2. Council approved the Acting Mayor appointments for 2025. These appointments may be required from time-to-time for Council meetings, public events, to sign documents, and other duties in the event that Mayor McCormick is not available. This will allow for the continuation of City business. 

3. Council approved a series of appointments to various community groups and committees. The recommendations for appointments were submitted by Mayor McCormick following meetings with Council Members to discuss individual Council Members' area of interest and the best fit for City representatives on the various Committees, Societies and Boards. Groups will be informed of their liaison in the coming weeks. 

To find more information on these agenda items, please follow the agenda link above or watch the playback on YouTube. 

The meeting concluded at 8:08 PM at which point Council conducted an in-camera meeting.