The photo in this edition of “Your photo in the newsletter banner” is by Guy Simon. 

Congratulations to Guy for this photo taken at Lac-à-la-Tortue.

This photo will be among the finalists in January 2025 presented to an external jury determining the three winners of the photo competition trophies. It will also be eligible for the end-of-year draw for ten prizes from ALL photos received.

To see all the photos from the 2024 Photo Competition

You too could have your photo put in the banner of our newsletter and our Facebook page. To send us your photos, write to us at

Check out the details about this competition

AVIATEUR EXPRESS #922 – February 14th,  2024


  • Annual general meeting: April 6 at the École nationale d'aérotechnique
  • Safety capsule: Continuing training and underwater evacuation
  • Benefit dinner: All-you-can-eat lobsters. 
  • Transport Canada - AAIR portal: A message from the Regional Director of Civil Aviation, Quebec region, Transport Canada
  • A tribute to a friend and collaborator: Vincent Charron
  • Open House at the École nationale d'aérotechnique
  • News from our partners: RayAir Maintenance and Québec Aéronature
  • Sierra Assurance and the Aviateurs.Québec insurance plan
  • Training program: Underwater evacuation, 50% discount for Aviateurs.Québec members
  • RVA on skis to come
  • Our video-on-demand platform
  • Your virtual library

Annual general meeting: April 6 at the École nationale d'aérotechnique

Ready for takeoff, the unmissable event of the year is fast approaching for all members of Aviateurs Québec. The Board of Directors invites you on Saturday April 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to the École nationale d'aérotechnique(ENA, Saint-Hubert) for its Annual General Meeting.

For those who cannot join physically, our event will be streamed live via Zoom. An exceptional opportunity to bring together the community of aviators, whether they are with us or behind a screen.

During this meeting, we will present our newsletter to you. Discover the news, upcoming projects and initiatives that will shape the future of our association.

Your voice counts! Take this opportunity to share your comments and suggestions regarding our board of directors. Together, we shape Aviateurs.Québec and your contributions are essential.

As aviators, we face increasing challenges. The Annual General Meeting is the ideal time to discuss these challenges, share experiences and find collaborative solutions to overcome the obstacles that lie before us.

Knowing and guiding the future of Aviateurs.Québec is a shared responsibility. Your presence, whether physical or virtual, strengthens our community and helps shape a promising aviation future.

To reserve your place

Join us for a day of passion, sharing and enthusiasm about aviation. See you on April 6, 2024!


If you answered YES to these two questions, you owe it to yourself to try us, without any obligation on your part.

You do not need to sign a transfer letter and you are not required to give exclusivity to SIERRA.

Get a quote online:

Don't hesitate, ask for a quote.
It doesn't commit you to anything and you can compare!

Safety capsule: Continuing training and underwater evacuation
A contribution from Nathalie Fortin, class 2 flight instructor

Spring is approaching. In the Ottawa-Gatineau region, we have had beautiful sunny days and temperatures above zero for several days. It feels good! It's that time of year when it's a good idea to start planning for the flying year and… A good pilot always continues to learn. I would argue that everyone benefits from continuing to learn. As a pilot, continuing to learn is an important asset to ensure that we continue to exercise our passion for a long time. Choose to be…

Read more

Transport Canada - AAIR: A message from the Regional Director of Civil Aviation, Quebec region, Transport Canada

Good morning,

On December 12, aircraft owners received an email message that the AAIR portal was accessible but only to update their contact details .

On February 6, aircraft owners received another email informing them that the AAIR portal was now open to fill in the information required for their 2022 and 2023 annual reports. So, it is normal for those who tried to enter their data before February 6, did not yet have access to it. That said, it is possible that some owners will have difficulty accessing it. In this case, you must contact the system managers at the following email address: .

Additionally, people who do not have an email associated with their RAINA account will receive a letter in the mail shortly, sent on February 6, with instructions on how to proceed.

We encourage all aircraft owners to ensure the accuracy of their postal and email addresses in the AAIR portal .

TC has launched a project to rethink its AAIR/RAINA program, with the goal of modernizing practices and requirements. We plan to take full advantage of digital technology to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and minimize the environmental impact of paper-based processes, thereby improving user experience, data quality and analytics. Improvements have already started and will continue gradually throughout the year. Rest assured, aircraft owners will be kept informed of ongoing changes and progress.

We regret any difficulties caused by restarting the portal and do not hesitate to communicate any difficulties to the email address mentioned above.


Françoise Dehaye
Regional Director Civil Aviation
Quebec Region, Transport Canada

A tribute to a friend and collaborator: Vincent Charron

It is with sadness that we learned of the death of our friend and collaborator Vincent Charron.

Vincent will be remembered as a generous, jovial man and above all an aviation enthusiast. For many years, he volunteered for the shortwave radio station XKV918 (frequency 5.275 MHz), a reliable long-distance communication link for many pilots who ventured into Northern Quebec. You could see him in many of the fly-ins giving a helping hand here and there. We highlight his contribution to the annual Casey meeting. He was among the first one to believe in this event and to give his time on the airwaves of Casey's local frequency. From a few aircraft that participated from the start, this fly-in has become today the AeroVenture Casey.

Thank you, Vincent, for your contribution to general aviation in Quebec.

We invite you to consult this tribute in photos prepared by Patrick Vergobbi.

If you have not yet purchased your tickets for the fundraising dinner, act quickly, as the number of available places is quickly diminishing.

Tickets for our classic All-you-can-eat Lobster Benefit Dinner are available for $150 per person (tip included). 

I buy my tickets for the Benefit Dinner: All-you-can-eat lobsters 

The École nationale d'aérotechnique opens its doors to you next Saturday, February 17!

This is your chance to tour their facilities and discover the largest aerotechnics college education facility in the world.

Come admire their aircraft, then meet their professors and students who are as passionate about aerospace as you are. There is a future in the air at ÉNA!

Press release

News from our partners: RayAir Maintenance and Québec Aéronature

The Historia channel will present an episode on Les Cloutier ( RayAir Maintenance of Saint-Hyacinthe) in the AVGEEK television series starting March 21. This series will also honor another close collaborator of Aviateurs.Québec in the person of Ghislain Buisson (Québec Aéronature )

For a taste of these and other episodes of the AVGEEK series, click the AVGEEK button (sorry, you'll have to watch a thirty-second ad before you get to the trailers.


The next sessions will take place in Blainville, Hôtel Times :

  • February 17, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • March 2, 16 and 30, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • April 13 and 27, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Please note that these sessions are open to everyone (member or non-member of Aviateurs.Québec).

On the other hand, if you are a member, Aero-Formatech® offers you a 50% reduction on the regular price of a package which is $395. This promotion is offered for a limited time, until March 1, 2024 (the number of packages is also limited). Hurry to book your training session. 

For any information regarding this promotion and/or to register, contact us directly by email:

Upcoming fly-Ins on skis 

Our video-on-demand platform

You want to improve your skills as a pilot or simply comply with regulatory requirements. We have what you need. Video training that you can watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your home and it's free for members of Aviateurs.Québec. We offer 2 types of training:

  • Recency training which is approved by Transport Canada
    • Risk management during the approach and landing phase
    • Flight in winter
  • General interest training. We offer these training courses on Foreflight:
    • Initial setting
    • Flight planning
    • Weight and balance
    • Visual approach
    • Installing a PDF document in Foreflight.

How to get there ? Easy !

  1. By going to the home page of the Aviateurs.Québec website
  2. By then clicking on the quick link Training – Video on demand
  3. That's it, you will then have access to our online training video library .
  4. Then follow the instructions to view your training.

Your virtual library

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of these publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

Your photo:
If possible in high definition. Minimum format: 1024 pixels in its largest dimension. Information required :

  • PLACE where the photo was taken
  • YOUR FULL NAME (note that only members in good standing can participate)
  • You have read and accept the complete regulations available on the Aviateurs.Québec website by clicking HERE

Functioning :

Submit your photo to

The photo placed in the banner will be chosen by the person(s) administering the competition.

For subsequent editions of the newsletter, the photo chosen will be from among all the photos received since the beginning of the current year. At the end of the year, the photos (maximum 26) that have been chosen for the banner will be submitted to an external jury to determine the three winning photographers.

First prize: $150 gift certificate + trophy
Second prize: $100 gift certificate + trophy
Third prize: $50 gift certificate + trophy

10 other winners will be determined by random draw among ALL photographers who participated during the year: $55 credit applicable towards a membership renewal or a purchase in the Aviateurs.Québec store of the winner's choice.


"To bring together and represent Quebec aviators in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote its accessibility and to protect its rights, to facilitate exchanges between members and to provide access to resources assistance, training and information."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 /


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.